My friend Nester wrote a great post, about doing less and being more.
I like that word. To be present in the celebration, absent in the hoopla.
By that I mean the commercial hoopla. To stop and be content, as were the shepards, in the peacefulness of the quiet celebration of the Christ child.
Enjoy more. Living and experiencing the season and not getting caught up what has become the commerciality. In Nester 's post, she listed the ways she has chosen to do less. I too have adopted this year. True, some of it is because I haven't the time (ok, maybe alot of it). But dont think for even a minute that I have lost my Christmas spirit , because that isn't the case at all. I have lost tolerance for big corporations making Christmas a giant commerical and in the process making it into a "holiday" and not the day we celebrate the birth of Christ.
I decided to do less and to enjoy more this season. I did send out a few cards, but I cut off *many* people from my list this year who will either receive hand delivered cards or just will not be a "lucky" recipient. Ah, didnt much like them anyay. I kid. I really do, but ya have to draw the line somewhere. I have a kid in college and that eats into my postage budget, and grocery budget, and lotion and potion budget, and, get the idea.
I also didnt do a mantel garland this year as I did last (at least not yet, who knows if I will). I didn't do one up my stair well either. We did a CHRISTmas tree and my husband did his outdoor lights. That was it. Simple. Enjoyable. The rest of the night we sat with the kids wathcing Christmas movies, drinking hot chocolate and eating popcorn. And noone missed the garland.
My kids were told to only choose three gifts this year. Three. Thats it. It was good enough for Jesus and it's good enough fo rmy kids. And there are so many other needy people, we are not in need. WE have more than enough and I want my children to be aware of others who are not as fortunate. And really, fortunate is about family, not a bunch of things. Things we don't need.
Unless someone wants to pay my sons college education....
Jesus IS the gift.
Merry CHRISTmas!
Simplify and Enjoy the season.
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
I found some great stuff at Salvation Army. Just thought you would like some of my finds!
Merry "Christ"mas Leigh!!! Simply enjoying the simple things makes it special-- really neat three gifts!
Thanks for sharing!!! Enjoy your insights!
I am with ya, we didn't even get a tree, I just spray painted a dead one that I had in my yard and drug it inside. Don't laugh, it is really pretty and oh so chic and modern:)
So true, we do get caught up in all the hoopla and forget the true meaning of the celebration. My kids are adopting a grandparent for Christmas. An elderly person that is in a home and has no family & friends.
I love your post!!!
We are doing Christmas simpler this year too. I like what you had to say on it!
Hi Leigh,
Way to go...following the path to simplicity is so rewarding!!! And can actually be quite fun!
Hey, and don't be so impressed that I make my own bread...I do use a machine, ya know! ;)
Living it up at Lakewood,
I am trying to make it more simple this year too. I did not do the mantle garland either! Still working on the Christmas cards and I love your 3 gifts idea. I have one in college too so fewer and more thoughtful gifts are on the list this year. I have to say I am feeling less stressed this year!
Hi Leigh,
Can I just say "amen" to that. We have simplified and I couldn't be happier. The tree is up and a few old cherished decorations around the house. Hubs put lights around my little topiary tree by the front door. The wreath is up and that is about it.
The grands will receive 3 gifts also.
The gift is Jesus and I am so thankful they are growing up with that message in their hearts.
Have a fantastic rest of the week.
Leigh, that is such a great post! We started making it more simple about 10 years ago when my dad died suddenly and unexpectedly at a young age, and our world was turned upside down.
Now we find more joy in just having a simple holiday. We still enjoy family and friends and put up a tree. We stopped doing presents and it's SOOOO nice to not have that to deal with. We do a few gifts now that our son is here, but nothing for the adults. I LOVE IT!
Instead we do a charity each year. This year we are having a food drive for our local food bank. To me, that is what this season is all about!
We've enjoyed our holidays so much more and have less stress than ever!
Mine decorations really got scaled down this year, because of the leg. Then when I looked around, I really like it more simply. Enjoy the holidays!
Drop by, I am having a giveaway.
My husband and I have scaled back but that's been for a few years now. I send out a hundred Christmas cards but that's about all I do. I have a tabletop tree and I hang my stockings on the knobs of the entertainment center lol I send a gift card to my sister so she can buy something for my nieces from me or from Santa.
We don't buy any other gifts in our family or in Tom's. Since we moved ot Florida it made that transition easier.
The Christmas cards are what I like to do best anyway :)
Kristin - The Goat
I designed my CHRISTmas card before I read this post.... you are going to DIE when you see it!!! I've really simplified this year, too! Great post!
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