October is here. And I love Halloween! I love the spooky decorations, I love scaring my friend High Mae with rats, and I love to tune into the Mornings news shows on Halloween Day to see the costume contest. So, I got to thinking......why not? Why can't we that have some Bloggeritaville fun by having a Bloggeritaville Costume Party?
Here’s how it will work:
From now until November 2nd, email me your best costume (s). You may enter each category, as often as you like. If you do not have a blog, you can still play, just be sure to leave your email address (Which I will not publish). And a link to your blog, if you have one.
Your costume entry can be a costume of years past or you may want to wait until Halloween night to enter. Photos must be sent as Jpeg's and may be excessively huge (big enough to clog my box). Pictures MUST be your own. You may not enter someone else's pictures or ones that might have been "borrowed" from the web or email source. You must own the rights to publish.
Photos must be in good taste. Nothing that will make me blush or embarrass your momma should she Google you and find you on the Internet. Be tasteful. Be respectful. Be courteous of your fellow bloggers.
On November 2nd & 3rd, all entries will be listed by category slideshow and a voting poll will be opened. Comments will dictate the favorite on the day the slideshow post. On November 4th I will announce the winner of each category.
Once the polls are opened, you may vote just once for each category.
Don’t forget to ask your friends to vote for you, too!
The winner in each category will receive a Bloggeritaville Prize-which is yet to be determined. But I am gonna make sure it's a goodie. I am hoping to get some business sponsorhsip on that one. If anyone is interested, let me know.
The categories are for the Halloween Costume Contest are as follows:
Best Child Costume
Best Adult Costume
Best Pet Costume
That’s it. Let me know if you have any questions! Good luck!
FYI: Voting does not start until November 2nd. Start sending in those pictures anytime.
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
I LOVE your new header photo!!!
Wow..! That’s great… Scaring people on Halloween is one of my most fun things to do.
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo EXCITED!!!!!!!! =)
Me, Shad, My brother and Danielle are dressing up and going out (Downtown Houston)!!!! =)
I am so in! I got a few photos of some kids dressed up that were from one recent spirit week! ;-)
And, of course, from myself.
Love your new "look"!
What a beautiful picture of paradise!! I need some ideas for Halloween Bunco... if you have any let me know!!!
Love the new pic, and I am so winning this contest. Charnita better not even tink about this one. It is MINE lol! Have good one Girl
Love the header pic!!
Hmmm, I'll have to think about it. We don't usually do much on Halloween so, I would have to get creative!
Oh, and I FINALLY fixed your blog name in my blogroll. Because I am such an efficient person.
Is that a challenge, Bama Belle?????? I do have that gnome in my front yard to show for MY first win. Maybe it is time to win again.
We shall see.
Love your new look too, Leigh
Jen, some of your From me to you pics may be considered by some as costumes.
hahaha just kidding of course my friend. I have 80's pics that may count too.
ooh la la and fancy shmancy header!
I've emailed you a picture of the cutest kid in my universe.
Oh.... I can't wait to see all the little and big misfits!
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