Hello Frans in Bloggeritaville! It's Tuesday, and Tuesday is Meet My Frans!Here are my frans for this week that I want to introduce you to...
Brian's Photo Blog- I have known Brian for quite sometime. Brian is one of the kindest folks you would ever want to meet. He always has a great story to tell....and he loves to listen to one too. We have something in common, the love of a good story, the facination of weather and a love for story teller, Kathryn Tucker Windham. I met Brian years ago through my cousin, Gina as well as through working as a co director for the non profit organization WHIM. I could always count on Brian. When I asked if he would be involved in something we were working on all he would say would be "what time do I need to be there!". He and a Gina work for the same television station. Brian is a meteorologist for local TV station
ABC 3340. He is also the president of Alabama Skywarn Foundation. The
Alabama SKYWARN Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Alabama and has been granted tax-deductible status by the IRS (501(c)3). The purpose of the Foundation is to promote severe weather awareness and preparedness in Alabama through a variety of activities. It is my hope that Brian will one day consider a run for a political office-and I tell him that each time I see him. For the time being though, he nixes my ideas. I wanted to feature
Brian's photo blog because Brian has a real talent there and his occupation is one that is conducive at times to feed that hobby even more. Brian hasn't given much attention to this blog lately, but he promises that he will in the near future. Visit him and give him some encouragement to give that blog proper attention!
Psych Ward-Well if your last name is Ward, you can have a really cool blog name like Psych Ward. And this is just what the clever Susan ,one of the newest joys to the blogging world, came up with! Susan is the sister of my friend Terri (Bama Bargains & Confessions of a Yarn Whore). Susan is sweet mom to sweet family. She describes herself as "Wife, Mother, sometimes patient but mostly "Nurse Ratched"!! " She goes to say that she's, "A "girl" who loves to decorate her house (when money is around), cook for her family (and then some), be with her hubby, watch her girl play soccer, talk to and have a glass of wine or beer with her friends, read fabulous chick-lit, listen to some good music and laugh ALOT!!! "She's a teacher in the school system. She and I share love for blueberries! She is featured
in this commercial ("talk, talk, talk")! Go by the Psyche Ward and give Susan some confidence from the blog world on her new endeavor, blogging.
Greek Grits- This sista describes herself as "a Southern gal who is particularly proud of my Greek heritage. Most importantly I am a Christian who believes that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. I am a wife to a fabulous husband, mother of two beautiful children and a full time nurse anesthetist. I love my family and my job, but staying at home is not an option for my sanity. This is a place where family and friends keep up with us. It's also a place where I occasionally wax eloquent about nothing, er, umm, random things." Greek Grits is a homegirl, from the state of Bama. She is just about half an hour up the road from me...and as it turns out we have people in common....Patty that I went to high school with. Small world. Patty's blog is creative, clever, funny and real! Go, visit this GRIT (girl raised in the south) and show her some love.
Tune in next week to allow me to introduce you to some more of my "frans" from Bloggeritaville. Until then, go forth and visit some new blogs, make some new frans, and tell them that Leigh (of Bloggeritaville) sent ya!But always remember to come back here and pay a visit. You know, I run my thoughts off each day and I always enjoy knowing you dropped in on the lunacy in my world.
LOVE Tammy! I will have to visit the others too!
Terri told me you're a stalker... I'm beginning to believe her (hahahahahahaha). Thanks so much for the exposure!!! I'm sure now my blog traffic will go WAY up!!! By the way, I'm a school nurse (hense the name nurse ratched) but, I always wanted to be a teacher (long story I'll save for another time and a BIG bottle of wine). Thanks again for being such a great blogger!!! Susan
Cool people, I'll drop by their places soon.
Go forth, Jenn and spread the DB love like I know you will.
Susan, it is what it is. It landed big daddy. Cant wait for story time!
Beach bun- beware....you are in an upcoming episode of meet my frans (tuesday!) Drop in, some cool folks.
Awwww, I was on call yesterday and missed my day of Bloggeritaville stardom. Thank you kindly!
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