"Then he told me to put my hands down on the desk, while I was standing." Big Daddy assumed a stance, much like he would be if he were being frisked. I asked him if anyone else was in the store, and he said, "Yes. His wife. She just stood there at the counter looking at us. "Was she laughing?" "No, just looking. I didn't know what to do." "So, What happened?", I asked. "He began rubbing my back up and down, long strokes, like this"....he had the actual massager that had been used in the sales pitch and he began stroking my back. I laughed hysterically, at the thought and the image of my husband straddled on the desk being massaged my another man. "He kept going, Leigh, this went on for 2 minutes. I didn't know what to do. I kept thinking he would stop....then he said, doesn't it feel good on the lower back, and he proceeeded to rub my lower back and then he said, here on your scalp. That's my favorite place". I roared with laughter at my husbands predicament. Then I coughed up the line from Seinfeld, "Did it move?""NO!" Big Daddy insisted, yet laughed at the question, knowing fully well where I had gotten it from. "Then we have nothing to worry about or be ashamed of. "
We laughed for the next week about that. I had him recount the situation to my mother and father, then to his brother. Every time I run across that little blue hand, I think of it having it's way with Big Daddy and how a man can certainly become uncomfortable in some situations. Big Daddy's biggest worry at the time, that another client would walk in the door, and he would know them. And there he would be in that position...trying to explain to both himself and the world how he got there.
Relieved that the snap of a rubber glove going on the guys hand was not heard after asking Big Daddy to assume the position! WHEW!
I know! LOL!
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