(You can click on any pictures for a closer view)
*Thrifty Thursday takes place each Thursday and is hosted here at Tales from Bloggeritaville, but the party is a progressive one, visit the links to see all the Thrifty Thursday links to see the thrifty treasures participating bloggers have to share.
*Don't forget to copy and paste the Thrifty Thursday logo button to your computer so you can add it to your side bar and your Thrifty Thursday post. That way visitors will know that your are participating in Thrifty Thursday.
Well Lucky (or unlucky for you), I might have hit an all time low with my thriftiness. If that's possible?
I have gone to reincarnation.
You know, in my former life I was a butterfly, in this life I am wall art.
Yes, I did.
I was driving down the road in the Gulf State Park (I am on vacation this week on the AL Gulf Coast) and I see a butterfly in the road.
I knew it was dead. But something told me to stop.
So I did.
And I picked up it's little lifeless body and thought .......wall art.
I mean, wouldn't YOU?
God forbid, when I pass on one day that Big Daddy do that to me.
I don't think this old bod would qualify as art even today....but I digress.
So I picked up the butterfly and stopped at the Dollar General just a couple miles away and I purchased a frame for $1.00 and some art spray sealant for less than $2.00.
And I went home and ever so carefully sprayed the butterfly's body and allowed it to dry and then I transformed it to this frame that sits on the computer table.
Tell me I am not warped. It's been done before. I have seen them artfully put into frames. I have! And really, this is a better resting place than the front of someone's Suburban grill, right?
I'm not crazy.
Say it, please....so my family will not commit me.
Framed butterfly wall art=$3.00
**Please do not use live animals or insects for use in wall art** :)
Tablescape Thursday
Now, onto to Tablescape Thursday, which is hosted by Susan of Between Naps on the Porch.

Today's tablescape comes by way of my friend Jim and his wife Renee. Jim shared with me his wife's beautiful tablescape. Aren't the strawberry plates so summery? As are the fresh daisies!!
Well done, Renee! And thank you for sharing, Jim!
HUGS! Hope to see you tomorrow, but not before you leave some "roadmap" love!
Thanks to all of you for stopping by and participating in today's Thrifty Thursday.
I am also linking today to Linda's Coastal Charm.
Please use Mr. Linky below to link up your blog. Please leave a comment after linking. I love to hear from you.I encourage you all to spread the love and visit the other thrifty Thursday participants, for that's what half the fun is. Aside from seeing a cool treasure it's making friends!
Thank you, all, FRIENDS! I appreciate YOU!
Thrifty Participants:
I don't think you are weird! But I think it's funny that you have to put a disclaimer in there - because some people ARE weirdos! lol
Thanks for hosting again. Hey, I say get inexpensive wall art anyway you can.
Let me get this straight. You were driving and say this dead butterfly? Driving?
For you to see it had to be karma.
Love those strawberry plates as well. Renee picked out a really wonderful palette!!! Thanks again for hosting this party....I always look forward to it (and try to come up with things for it). ;-)
I hope my post will be okay with you. I'm posting about our BEAUTIFUL ALABAMA GULF COAST...I hope you will enter my GIVEAWAY and post my GULF COAST button on your FUN blog:)
Leigh, I hope you days are filled with bountiful sunshine and smiling faces! Have a great time.
BTW, your butterfly art is lovely.
Come on by the cottage and join in on the fun for my linky parties.
Hope to see you there!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
I think you did a lovely job of presrving this butterfly!
Thanks so much for hosting this week!
I am having a gardenparty on my blog http://keeninspirations.blogspot.com that goes through Friday evening. I'd love for you to stop by and link up one of your outdoor/summer or garden ideas! There are fun giveaways each day!
Hope you can make it!
Oh Leigh, you crack me up! You actually made art out of road kill! Seriously, though, that is very clever and charming. I think I'll tell my kids to go bug hunting for me tomorrow!
I think it looks wonderful and your're right, it's a much better place than a suburban's grill!
Love the lace, daisies and strawberriies of the tablescape. Perfectly summer!
Beautiful table scape! Thanks for hosting!
~Lori@live,laugh,love,create :)
Thanks for hosting!!
Oh goodness, my cat would HATE to be live wall art. She makes a pretty good pillow sometimes though :)
I actually have a framed butterfly. I bought it, but it's real. Yours looks real nice. I would have never thought to buy the sealant. You must have done this kind of stuff before!
Kristin - The Goat
Those strawberry plates are just the cutest and using the bottles as your centerpiece is very clever. Thanks for sharing and happy TT to you!
Wow that butterfly looks great!! Looks store bought!
Thank you for hosting fabulous link up every week!!
Maggy, Red Ted Art
Hi Leigh!
that butterfly is amazing! I think it is awesome that you were able to preserve such beauty!
The tablescape is so sweet! Yes, strawberries scream summer time tastiness!
I like that butterfly, and your table setting is gorgeous.
Leigh, I love your ideas and creativity! Thanks for hosting! ♥L
Wrote my post last night then forgot to link up! silly me.
thanks for hosting.
Lvov those little green bottles in holder with flowers.
barbara jean
Love your tablescape today. It flooded me with a rush of memories of cooking with my grandmother. She passed away in 1972 and I still miss her. She had that same strawberry pattern dishware. Love the daisy's, too.
You are so smart Leigh! Thanks again for hosting :).
Your friend's tablescape is wonderful! LOVE the green bottle floral centerpiece!!!
And you are not crazy with the butterflies!!!
Hugs, Lana
You are so clever to have used the butterfly like that. The strawberry dinnerware and daisies look so nice together.
You are not crazy! :)
Thanks for hosting again this week.
Hi...crashing your party again this week....and I "stole" your idea from last week, too!
Cute strawberry plates!
Hi Leigh. Definitely thrifty and definitely a fun read! I think it's great that you appreciated the unfortunate creature's beauty and preserved it this way! You've displayed it in an ideal location.
So nice of Renee and Jim to share their pretty, summery table with your readers. Please give them our thanks and warm regards.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Leigh,
You are so funny! I love your project, I really do. It is something that I probably would have done (and my family would have thought I had gone crazy). It's a wonderful resting place for that butterfly and really shows off it's beauty.
I've linked a little project. Have a great weekend.
Hi Leigh,
You are making me laugh. I can't think of any live animals I would want hanging from my walls, or dead ones either for that matter! But I get the butterfly thing, and think you did a great job with it. Hope it doesn't start to deteriorate anytime soon. Or start to mold....
Anyway, thanks for the laugh, hope you have a great weekend.
Heidi - Heart and Home
This table with strawberry plates and daisies is looks really summerly. Thank your for sharing.
Greetings, Johanna
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