(You can click on any pictures for a closer view)
*Thrifty Thursday takes place each Thursday and is hosted here at Tales from Bloggeritaville, but the party is a progressive one, visit the links to see all the Thrifty Thursday links to see the thrifty treasures participating bloggers have to share.
*Don't forget to copy and paste the Thrifty Thursday logo button to your computer so you can add it to your side bar and your Thrifty Thursday post. That way visitors will know that your are participating in Thrifty Thursday.

Sister Sledge, a "12 year old tween", was wanting something more colorful for her room. This set fit the bill with it's island nod and colors of bright pink, green and yellows (It looks more yellow in the pictures than in person, it is actually more of a greenish color).
Her bed was something I purchased years ago at an antique store for $75.00. The white antique coverlet was a garage sale buy that cost $5.00. I am still trying to decide what to put over her bed, but right now that straw piece and the letter "E" were both thrift store finds, each cost less than $1.00.
Here is a better look at the bedding. I kept the (reversable)duvet at the end of her bed. The Duvet has pretty buttons and trim that match the pillows.
Wait! Do you see that blue thing behind the pillows? Hmmm, Mental note: need to make sure to take up Ninetindo DS prior to bedtime.....
Now, onto to Tablescape Thursday, which is hosted by Susan of Between Naps on the Porch.

It's American Idol time, folks. You must know that it's fmaily time in front of the tv for those under my roof. I haven't started blogging about it. I will when they finally get to "Hollywood". But on Tuesday and Wednesday nights (when we aren't at wrestling...which is rare) we are taking in the auditions. We set up our TV trays and we plan at home judges, casting votes and "casting off " who we think should leave. Below is our tv tray set up for our chinese takeout...
What is a tablescape without the food? I invite you to stop by my food blog, PLATES & PLACES, tomorrow for Foodie Friday! It won't be chinese takeout...it'll be HOME COOKING on the menu!
Thanks to all of you for stopping by and participating in today's Thrifty Thursday. Please use Mr. Linky below to link up your blog.I encourage you all to spread the love and visit the other thrifty Thursday participants, for that's what half the fun is. Aside from seeing a cool treasure it's making friends!
Thank you, all, FRIENDS! I appreciate YOU!
Thrifty Thursday Participants are:
Wow Leigh!
What an amazing find in that bedroom set!! Great treasure!
Love that new bedding - so pretty!
I'm all linked up and ready to go!
This is my first visit to Thrifty Thursday. Thanks for hosting.
I look forward to joining from time to time in the future.
You really hit on a bargain with the bedding set. I love it and it's great that your daughter does too (mine usually don't like the things I do!).
Can't wait to see what you have on the menu for tomorrow! :-)
You always find such wonderful treasures, Leigh! Love the beautiful fabrics! I'm drooling!
Thanks for hosting! You are a peach!
I LOVE the new look for Sister Sledge's room. I bet she likes it too!
I FINALLY got my 'stuff' together and linked up this week! I missed Thrifty Thursday and I'm tickled pink to play along this week!
Out of pocket tomorrow but I'll get caught up with everyone's contribution tomorrow night.
What an awesome deal you got on that beautiful bedding! Thanks soooo much for hosting the party!!!
Thanks for hosting.
Sweet pillows. Bright and cheery!
Blessings on your Thursday.
barbara jean
Love that bed linen!! I'm joining TT again today...thanks, again
I think that bedding was a great deal! I'm so glad your daughter loved the look, too :)
This is American Idol! LOL We've got the DVR all set up, just in case I miss a few seconds of it.
Love the bedding set! I've been contemplating a change for our front guest room, and this post might just be what inspires me to get out there and start looking :-) Have a good one!!!!
Beautiful new linens. Love the combination.
Leigh, The linens on the bed are gorgeous..love the colors! Your dishes are also very pretty..love the blues.
I'm loving the new bedding for Sista Sledge!
Oh WOW Leigh - - - just LOOK how many Thrifty Thursday party-goers you're getting!!!! YOU GO GIRL.
Good morning Leigh! I tried so hard last night to post but the storm just would not let me stay online long enough to post. Oh well. I enjoyed your post today. What a great looking bed. Love it. Hope your day is outstanding!
Lovin all the fabrics together! Hope your son is feeling better! Thanks for hosting!!
Beautiful bedding! Love the set up for your take out too. Have a wonderful and thrifty week.
What gorgeous bedding Leigh...I would have snapped that up in a minute too!
You are wondering what to put over the bed, what about one of those popular vinyl lettering designs that we're seeing so much of these days. Maybe her full name or just her initials. You can get them in any color too.
Thanks for hosting!! This is my first time linking here, looking forward to visiting others and seeing their creative lovelies!
Hi Leigh! Oh, those bed linens are wonderful! I'm so proud for you.
You set a pretty table too! Can I come over?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Leigh those linens are wonderful! You hit the jackpot.
Very pretty and great prices.
Thanks for hosting.
Love the new bedding! It's so nice to find something at such a good price, too.
Love those linens!!!
Thanks for hosting the party! First time over here! :-)
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