American Idol Live Blogcast, Tonight's selections are songs of cinema with guest Quintin Tarentino. If you are tuning into the live broadcast, just click refresh after each contestant.
This week should be a good one. I like all the remaining contestants, with my favorites being Allison and Kris. I also am a fan of Danny.
1. Allison is singing Aerosmith's-"I Don't Want to Close My Eyes"-First stanza was more of a whisper than song, but now that she has hit the chorus she is strong vocally. I thought it was a good song choice for her. "Props" to my girl!
2. Anoop is singing "Everything I do, I do For you " by Bryan Adams. I Liked Anoop's version. Beleivable. He sang it with conviction. Soulful. I actually preferred Noops to the original. Anoop's was more soulful than sappy."Nooooooop!"
3. Adam is singing "Born to be Wild" by Easy Rider.-Each week Adam reminds me of someone different-Elvis, Kurt Russel, Eddie Munster...this week it is the lead for The Cult. IN appearances. And a bit vocally too. Its a fast paced up tempo, yet fierce song. As with the different persona's each week, I change week to week if I like him or not. This week I do. I really do. Wow! That was FIERCE!!! That's all I can say. And funny because usually I agree with Simon but this season in regards to Adam, I am not. I HATED last week, he gave it a standing O, tonight I liked it. But it had that hairband sound that I am drawn to.
(looks like Kristin and I are not in agreement with Adam this week. I can say usually I am not a fan, but I liked this one. I do love Allison, like you do Derek. I love her raspiness in her voice.)
4. Matt is up next. He is singing "Have you Ever Loved a Woman" by Bryan Adams (Don Won DeMarco). Once again, I tend to think Bryan Adams is a bit to sappy for me. I would like to see Matt shake the song up a bit and see him change the arrangement a bit more. It was a good performance, but for me it was not a stand out of his. He stayed pretty much as Bryan Adams. I wasn't overly impressed with his performance tonight.
-going to commercial, Danny is on deck. Derek, I agree with your comment. I am a fan if Matt, but tonight, he was not a standout. And yes...this must be the year of the piano man. But I like to see folks playing an instrument in addition to using their voice.
5. Danny is preparing to sing Endless Love by Lionel Richie. He isn't changing it up to much, but I like it. Oh, that note was to high......ok better.....I love the gravely in his voice. It was good vocals, but I don't think it was a standout of the night. I wish I could've seen Danny give it more soulful.
Derek, I am impressed that you play piano. I wish I could. I have a couple guitars that I peck around on. I hope to get some lessons one day when life slows down some. My daughter also has a guitar maybe when she starts playing well, she can teach me.
I didn't mind the harp either, I do wish he had added some more of his own flavor to the song.
6. Kris- Is singing Falling Slowly. I am not familiar with this song. Oh, I hear several bad notes. Shoot. Ya know, he sounds much like Jason Castro tonight. I didn't like the song, maybe because I wasn't familiar? And you know I like Kris. He is the dark horse to me. I didn't enjoy it.
Commercial break... Oh, Derek, I like fiddle too. If you ever want to learn, look up Bethany. She is the fiddler with Act of Congress (.com). She gives lessons and is amazingly talented. Kristin , you and Derek liked the song by Kris. I just couldn't dig it I guess because I didn't know it it didn't resonate with me. I did hear some pitch problems.
7. Lil is singing The Rose by Bette Midler. Wow! Ambitious! Let's see how she does....the first verse was a bit shaky...but now she has given it a gospel undertone in the second verse. I like that she is doing a little something different with it. But still, I am hearing some pitch problems.
Ambitious, yes, but I don't think it takes the prize tonight.
Derek and Kristin , I agree with both of you on Lil. Derek, I think you said it best that her rose wilted.
Best performances tonight-Allison and Adam with Anoop close behind
In trouble- Lil and Matt.
I think Lil should be the most concerned about going home.
If it was up to me I would send Paula home. We are still overtime.
This was fun guys! Thanks for playing along!!!
I know this isn't a Dancing with the Stars post, but I have not been true this year in my post for it. As I turn the channel to DWTS, I just have to say WOW. Guiles rocks. And poor Ty could be in trouble. Looks like this might be his last rodeo as far as the dance floor goes. Also in trouble, Steve O, who I would personally vote to leave.
Ok, Night Y'all! Thanks for tuning in, this was fun!
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
I'm here! I have finally remembered to watch the show live and to come here! :)
So am I! I finally remebered too!
I like Adam, but I'm hating his performance. (now that Paula is talking about him daring to dance...blah blah blah, I still disagree. ) Oooh, I agree with Simon for the most part.
Kristin and Derek- Oh, good! Fun! Chime in with your opinion!
I like Adam too. He's really good. And so diverse.... I think he and Allison are my favorites. regardless of what Simon said.
I like Adam too. He's really good. And so diverse.... I think he and Allison are my favorites. regardless of what Simon said.
How funny, Leigh - we totally disagree on his (Adam's) performance. LOVE IT! :) Last week I loved him.
Usually I DVR the show and watch it later. I totally forget it's on, so this is a real treat.
What is it with all the piano players this year?
This one did absolutely nothing for me. Matt is one of my wife's faves, but I just can't get into him. I think he bombed tonight.
Matt is from Michigan so I root for him and although I liked the song - it wasn't great.
Danny's up now. Endless Love? Hmmm, we'll see.
Don't get me wrong, Leigh, I love the piano. I play it myself. Just seems like an overabundance of players this year.
I like Danny / Robert Downey Jr. Let's see how he does.
Wow! That was awesome! Very pure! Simon didn't like the harp? I thought it was very nice.
Mama made us take piano our entire childhood. I think I took for 14 years. But the guitar is something I have always wanted to know how to play. That and the fiddle.
I like Danny and I was skeptical of the song choice, but not too bad. It wasn't original, this is true, but I loved the harp and everything.
Very nice, Kris. I liked that. And what is wrong with Randy? Pitchy? Naw, dawg!
I didn't know Kris' song either, but I thought that he did a nice job. I found myself spacing out and not listening to the performance, so I guess it didn't hold my attention for the full 2.5 minutes.
Oh, and the Burger King commercial about square "bottoms" just came on...oh how I hate that commercial. This is why I DVR everything lol
Oh dear, I am not not not liking her rendition of The Rose. If I wasn't live commenting, I'd have pushed mute and waited for the judges comments.
Those Burger King commercials freak me out just a little bit.
I think Lil's rose wilted a little. Not the best in my opinion. For once tonight, I think I agree with Simon! Yeah she put her own spin on it, but it didn't work for me.
You called it right, Leigh. Allison and Adam, and then Anoop. This was fun. Thanks for doing it!
Even with just two judges commenting on each performance they still ran over.
I think Lil, Matt and Kris will be in the bottom 3.
Well, this was a lot of fun! Thanks Leigh and Derek!
They have to fix this running out of time stuff... It is screwing up my TvO!
I'm afraid Lil wasn't as good tonight.
We'll see~~~
You're going to crack up at this - TJ had to stay late at work mentoring high schoolers, so that left me and the Bean alone most of last night. After her bath and jammies, we cozied up just in time for Anoop's performance - he was her favorite! "Noop! Noop!" she would exclaim, excitedly pointing to the tv screen. I think she liked his song AND his name! Too cute!
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