One of my many favorite blogger, Katie at Harrington House, had this fun Christmas Meme on her blog. Let me know if you play along so I will be sure to visit you to read your answers!
Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate. I hate egg nog!!! I love to go into Barney's Coffee (I don't drink coffee either btw-but love the smell) and buy the different flavored hot chocolates. I love Santa's White Christmas. Then I usually get kicked out because of all the deep breathing I am doing. Man, love the smell of coffee....
Does Santa wrap presents or just put them under the tree? He sets them out under the tree so the kids will see the presents first thing. That's also the way he did it at my house when I was a kid.
Colored lights on house/tree or white? Definitely white. But this year I added the paper lanterns that give some color to it. My kids have small trees in their rooms and they have colored lights.
Do you hang mistletoe? Sometimes. If I can find some. When we were at the cabin, can you believe we didn't see any?
When do you put your decorations up? The weekend after Thanksgiving.
What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Ummm, there is so much. But really, if you read my blog, you would know I am all about a cheese ball. Even over dessert!
Favorite holiday memory as a child?All of my aunts, uncles and cousins coming over to our house. We still do it to this day. I recall me and my cousin making a skating rink in my garage one year that I got my white skates. I took my little 45 record player down there and put on some Elton John, Philadelphia Freedom and skated our hearts out.
When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? It was about 5th grade. A girl told me when we were in the bathroom at break at school.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? As a kid, after much begging and whining, my parents would allow me and my brother to open one gift. Today though, we have plans on Christmas Eve so it all comes together Christmas morning.
How do you decorate your tree?It's a big deal here at our house. I love putting the tree up! We have music playing. The kids all unwrap ornaments and put them on. We like to recall where we got an ornament, who made it, etc.
Snow. Love it or dread it? LOVE it! I guess because we rarely see it.
Can you ice skate? Yes! Like roller skating, it is one of the few things that came naturally to me and I still do it.
Do you remember your favorite gift? The gift of Christ love. The greatest Christmas gift!! Other than that, materialistically speaking, I guess it would be my Baby Ashely Madame Alexander doll and my roller skates. I really cannot remember gifts in particular, I remember the day and the fun I had with my family all being there.
What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Making memories with my family! I am big on tradition. I want my husband and my children to have wonderful memories when they look back! My husband's family really doesn't have any traditions and we really want that for our kids. And being with one another as a family.
What is your favorite holiday dessert?Umm... Almond Cream Cheese Pound Cake and rice krispy treats or haystacks. Seriously.
What is your favorite holiday tradition?Reading the Peddler story to my kids. Reading the story of Christ's birth. Watching all the classic Christmas Shows, our favorite- A Christmas Story. I try and hand make gifts for my friends and family, this year I don't know that it will happen.
What tops your tree?a big bow and glittery sticks poking out everywhere.
Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?Both. I love to give something very personal. I also like to see what someone might give to me.
What is your favorite Christmas song? Just about any song sung in the 40's era. I also love O Holy Night.
Candy canes. Yum or yuck? YUM!
What do you want for Christmas? Hardwood floors or a cruise to the islands, but it's not gonna happen.
Do you attend an annual Christmas party? Yes!
Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear PJs? PJ's!
Do you own a Santa hat? I do, I am on the Christmas parade committee in the city I live in, I had to wear one one year. But who knows where it is now. I didn't like wearing it, I have to be honest. Sorry, Joy.
Who do you usually spend Christmas with? My family and some friends. We go to my mom's house (15 minutes from mine) and aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends join us. We eat, open gifts and play games and talk. I love it!
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
Love this one! I will have to do it tomorrow. Merry CHRISTmas
WAIT I thought I was YOUR favorite...oh I see you said 'MANY' lol
cute cute meme and I am with ya on the eggnog yuck gag spit!
It is so much fun to read everybody's Christmas memories and traditions! I love the description of your tree topper ("...a big bow and glittery sticks poking out everywhere..." hahaha!)
And I am so with you on cheese balls! I could probably pass up on dessert for food like that! However, I do have a recipe for a "dessert" like cheese ball with chocolate chips and stuff.
I love your list, Leigh! It's great!
If you get a cruise from santa it better be on OUR cruise!!!!! =)
Wouldn't that be a hoot!!!!! =)
Thanks for the post and the challenge to answer the questions... so go visit... I answered all of them!!! I was not surprised that some of our answers were VERY similar!!!
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