My blog friend Nickie has a story on her blog today that everyone should read and heed. It is a scary story and how a "gift of fear" as I like to call it saved her. I have a book called the gift of fear (because I am a chicken and felt good to know it was called a gift not paranoid). Anyway….long story short, that gift of fear is a gift from God…his voice talking to you to tell Nickie to be cautious. Never ignore it. I am glad she didn't . No matter how silly one may feel, go with your gut instinct. No matter what the situation.
Here is the link to that scary story, click here.
And while you are visiting Nickie, be sure to enter her contest giveaway. She is asking for costume suggestions. Nickie, you just better be sure to enter my costume contest when you dress up. See my sidebar for info.
If Nickie chooses your costume idea she'll send you a $20 gift card to Amazon. That’s like free money, in case you didn’t know. FREE money. All you have to do is come up with something AWESOME for her to wear. She doesn’t want any old costume either. You’re not going to win squat if you say they should dress up as the Munsters. Dredge up old memories, look online, or talk to your friends - it’s worth twenty bucks right?
To give her your great suggestions go here for the costume suggestion giveaway. Please, tell her Leigh sent ya!
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
Thanks so much for the award!!! I saw it the other day and commented on that post. You are so sweet! I enjoyed looking at all the other links too!
Thanks for posting this Leigh, it sure is the TRUTH! That gut instinct may have just saved my bacon...but I try not to think about that too hard, ya know what I'm sayin'?
And thanks for the awesome award. I love you THIS much too! I just hope someday we get to meet in person!
I read it and it gave me chills!!!
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