Tammy of Greek Grits recently awarded me with this "Major Award" to add to my "Leg Lamp of Accolades" at the bottom of my right sidebar. I am not worthy. I am both humbled and touched that the Greek Goddess, Tammy, thought enough of me to pass it on. I am most appreciative.
2008 Premio Award Rules:
1. When received, you may post the premio to your blog.
2. Link to the blogger you received it from.
3. Give it to 7 blogs
4. Link to those 7 blogs
5. Leave those seven bloggers a comment about receiving the brilliant premio.
I'd love to spread the love to all of my bloggy friends. And quite honestly I went back and forth and added then deleted more than half of my distractions/blog roll list. It is HARD to pick 7. But to be fair, here are some I haven't given awards who are so worthy....
1. Pat from Back Porch Musings ( her other "porch" is Snapshots From the Back Porch)
2.Rhoda's Southern Hospitality
3.Bunny Bungalow
4.Drama Mama Life on the Pond
5.Bless Our Nest
6.A Schmitty Life
7.For the Love, A Mama's Matra
Now go, spread the love....
Thank you so much Leigh!!! I am truly honored! :)
I am so honored...This is actually my third time to get this same award! That means I like triple ROCK!
I am gonna have some fun passin it on-
Okay- Please do everyone a favor and put some clothes on before you order your Whoppers (plural)! I knew it was you and all, but I wasn't gonna embarrass you in the blogosphere! I'm just too nice to do that-
You are so worth the award!!
As a first time visitor to your blog, I can honestly say . . . award well deserved! Have enjoyed going through your archives as well.
Thanks for visiting me and entering my giveaway. With all the interest in my shell crosses, I think I will be selling them, so look out for a post with a few featured for sale.
You are crackin' me up with the "Leg Lamp of Accolades".
I am going to blame the fact that you posted this a week ago and I am just now seeing it on the fact that I quit smoking. It has to be that...my brain has been in a total revolt...
This was the perfect thing to find this morning (except for the part where I am a total looser for not finding it sooner)...Thank you SO MUCH!!!!
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