It's a little known secret. I am a secret agent. Well, really it isn't a secret, but it sounds cooler putting that word in front. I am actually a "Buzz agent". What's a buzz agent you ask? Well it is all about the power of communication. It is a form of marketing, where the opinions of consumers (like me!) are wanted and listened to. By being an agent you get to experience new products ans services and share *honest* opinions about these products and services (called the buzz).
Actually it is just as cool as a secret agent, because you get to try products ans services for free.
It was an obvious choice for me. I am a nut lover. It is my biggest source of protein. I eat nuts almost every single day. That being said, when I received my kit in the mail last week, containing 8 packages of different kinds of nuts and "trail mixes" I was excited. I had never actually tried this brand of nuts either. I must say, these were delicious. Very fresh tasting, not as if they had been sitting on a shelf for a long period of time. I think it is because the Back to Nature products contain no added oils or presevatives. Look at the ingrediants on the package, you will see the type nuts and perhaps sea salt.
The nuts and trail mixes have a freshness about them that I hadn't tasted. Perfectly seasoned, the sea salt nuts are my favorite. I tried the ones with dried fruits and those did not appeal to me as much. I don't like many dried fruits. But the nuts, I picked out and savored each and every one. My favorite variety was the pistachio, cashew, almond mix. Back to Nature is definitely a brand that I will purchase next time I pick up some nuts at the grocery store.
I highly recommend.
If you want Back to Nature Nuts and Trail Mixes,and cannot find them at your local grocer, you can order them directly from Back to Nature's web site. It's as easy as going to Just click on the "Buy Now" button on the left hand side of the page.
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Hey, how cool is that!! I want to be chosen to review that new Hybrid Chevy Tahoe. How could I hook that up?
YUMMY! They sound good! I'm such a "NUT LOVER" lol I know that didn't sound good but I know it gave you a laugh!
I've been missing you! I'm so bad! I just posted today for the first time in a few weeks! I haven't really been reading blogs either....BAD BAD BAD!
I'm going to try and catch up with ya be ready to get a ton of comments from me! I'm sure you have a ton of post up! lol! You are always so good at posting!
I've never heard of anything like it..but it sounds great. I would have been happy with the nut kit, too. And those cucumber sandwiches look wonderful, also!
I'm glad to hear your nice comments about our products and company and will share them with our staff. We're proud of our reputation for excellence and work hard to maintain it. We're continually exploring new food developments and are very optimistic about the future of food production. Our pledge is to continue to successfully build on our past achievements far into the future.
It was great hearing from you, and remember we're always updating our site so visit us again soon!
Kim McMiller
Associate Director, Consumer Relations
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