Hello Frans in
Bloggeritaville! I couldn't do it. I told you below that I wasn't going to blog today because of
the unfortunate incident. But I couldn't allow Tuesday to pass without introductions. That would just be WRONG. So here goes.....Thanks for tuning into another episode of "Meet My Frans" This week's Frans are listed below.

Meet my one of my newest "
McMommy is a firecracker. She is always hosting a party, Be her friend and you are always invited. Always. She has cool things going on over at her place like her birthday party and "POW" post (post of the week). She is a clever writer and always leaves you with a laugh. ALWAYS! I love that. I love that she doesn't take herself to seriously. Everyone should be like that. What drew me into her blog was a recent trip to the beach. Can you imagine, that would peek my interest? It was to cute. I have been back every day. You know how your kids always crave McDonald's? Well, I can guarantee that you will be craving
McMommy's daily insights. With a smile. Always. (How many times did I say always? Well I meant it!)

This is Lulu. Her name fits her so well. Lulu, J From Musings and I, I think, would be peas in a pod. She likes to have fun, Enjoys life to the fullest. I like that about her. Lulu is from the sunshine state and shines her own rays of
sunniness all over her blog. She has the funniest things to "say" and has the most infectious positive attitude. But today,
Mz Lulu's post is on the recent passing of her beloved grandpa, "
Dukester". Please send some
bloggy love her way. Let her feel the sun shining on her right now. And tune when she returns to the hilarity that is all LULU!

This is Leigh. Not me Leigh, but
Leigh Hargis Gray. It's
ok, we always do a double take when we comment on each others blogs and see Leigh commenting. Leigh is a doll, with a great haircut.

And this is my
Jenny Hope, the sweetest young lady that you will ever meet. These two ladies inspire me. Leigh's blog and Jenny Hope's blog are my little personal devotion time. I know that I can go there and drink from the well of Christian fellowship. Both ladies are also comical in their insights of the world, and both are great fans of
MZZZ Beth Moore. Leigh is a speaker, and it shows in her writing. She has a message to share. And she is also a crafty little "Bag lady". She can turn out some cute purses.
Jenny is one that is "real". She bravely shares of some of her rough times, and how through God you can overturn them. Making for a positive example. I have told her what a mentor I am sure she is for women who are not as strong and confident as she is. Love this girl.
Both of these ladies are amazing women. I am proud to call my blog "
Sweet Jessica and her dog
Bichon. Jessica is the kind of girl you just meet and immediately want to be her friend. She is cute as a summer bonnet on a hot June day, but she is also C-R-A-F-T-Y! She makes Martha Stewart cringe with jealously. This chick crafts her own greeting cards for every single holiday imaginable. I am envious because I have yet to get one of the little beauts. I am trying to figure out how I can make the list.
HAHA! Jessica and her husband David have a precious little abode that she readily will give you the tour. If she offers, take her up on it. She has amazing ideas. And she is a painter. She makes and sells her painted tile creations. Search her blog for tile and just see what she does. And she can make one especially for you. All this, and she is also pregnant with a little babe. Later this summer, I am going to host her a "virtual baby shower" on my blog, so plan to attend!

This is
Keetha. I met
Keetha through Big Mama's Spring
Fashion Fiesta. I think both
Keetha and I visited every single last one of the
hundreds of folks contributing. Always one to try and make folks feel welcome, I guess. That or crazy. It's your guess.
Keetha is a proud grandmother (last week!) to her second grandchild, Piper. She is from Indiana, where some of Big Daddy's folks reside. And if that isn't enough-she has the greenest grass for miles. Stop in and see what birds she is hosting at her feeder...

Lindsey. A southern sweetheart, She resides up near my mothers neck of the woods of the state. A good Christian woman, a mom of two precious little girls, MM and
HJ. MM is full of wit and savvy and has the funniest little things come from her perfectly shaped little mouth, which lucky for her readers, Lindsey is good to document. I also think Lindsey is a fan, as I am, of the meme. I have stolen, er borrowed a few from her. One of these days I am going to meet up with Lindsey and eat and thrift. Promise! Lindsey is getting ready for a literal move, but you can always find her at her blog address, The Douglas Drama. Send her some moving love. We all know how yucky that is.
Maebelle Park is a blogger that lives in sunny Florida. By way of her blog she will take you on such fun places such as a local fish fry, garage sales, and many family fun times. A real sweetheart,
Maebelle Park.
Tune in next week to allow me to introduce you to some more of my "
frans" from
Bloggeritaville. Next week, I will have much to say (smile).
Until then, go forth and visit some new blogs, make some new frans, and tell them that me -Leigh (of Bloggeritaville) sent ya!But always remember to come back here and pay a visit. You know, I run my thoughts off each day and I always enjoy knowing you dropped in on the lunacy in my world.
Yippeee!! I'm a "fran!"
Leigh, I was DYING from your news article! I couldn't for the life of me figure out how you did that...until the very end, of course! That was way funny.
Leigh you have no idea how you ministered to me today. Seriously. You are such an encouragement always. I start to get down and the Lord sends along a precious person to encourage me. I love you!!!!
Hebrews 3:12-13
12See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. 14We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first.
Hey, Leigh, glad you & your mama made it to Petals & got some berries. That Jason is the nicest guy. You got a great deal on the plants AND they matched your berry picking too?! Can't beat that!
Go over & read my post today about home hair color. I'm not sure I've convinced anyone to try it. Do you still like how yours turned out??
Well you bet cha are mz Keetha!
Trickie-That was well recieved. Borrow if you want. I dont care. I got it from Mz Schmitty.
Jenny Hope-Well you have made my day knowing that I made yours. Jenny, I know that so many find strenght and encouragement through your blog. So many tune in and consider all teh lurkers that do not comment that you minister to. You are a example, my dear, of how God works through people. He worls through you each and everyday-that is evident in and on your blog. Jenny Hope-you do give HOPE! I love ya right back!
Rhoda-I am headed over now to read your hair story. I know that Bunny Bnngalow was also looking forward to reading.
hey girl - you are too funny!!! thanks for the hsout out!! love, Leigh
Who is the sweetest blogger fran? YOU ARE! Seriously! You say the sweetest things!!!! And we are definitely going to get together soon!!!
Leigh....I'm a fran!!!! YIPPEEEEEEE!!!! That was so cool to come here and read that! Thank you so much!!!
Love your new site design by the way! And your title is so much FUN!
You are so sweet to include me as oe of your "frans"! Thank you!
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