I was visiting my blogger friend, Jenny's blog, called Jenny Hope. She had a very touching story of becoming aware of the people around you, their specific needs. Her story was based on the trails and adversity she faced in her childhood and as a young adult.
I shared this story with her from my time today at the Skating Rink.....
What a story, Jenny. I am sorry you had to endure such things, but at the same time I am so glad that you have been able to turn it around into a positive. You never know what someone else might be going through.I took my daughter roller skating today for her birthday. I took a group of 4 girls. I had on my skates (one of the only adults there wearing any). A huge crowd of day care children came in. There was this one little girl that kept coming over to me. Bless her, she was probably my daughters age (10), but I will bet 275 pounds. I was greeting parents and she would come over to me and ask me to show her how to skate. The first time, I looked around a tiny bit annoyed because I was trying to greet parents and spend some one on one time with Sledge. I told her, "I will later honey".
Later I was skating by and she stuck out her leg, I almost ran over it. I looked down and there she was smiling. "Will you help me". In my mind I heard my conscience, "You promised". I did indeed. Again, I wanted to be there fully for my daughter. It is the rare moment that I get to totally have quality time with her alone (no brothers or dad to share). And it was her special day. I thought though, God is in the face of this child. Would you tell him to wait?
Certainly she has been ridiculed in life because of her weight. No one was there to help her learn how to skate. I never saw any adults on the floor or a chaperon or group leader for which she came with. I took her hand and helped her up. With her hand in mine, we skated-or tried our best to. She never did get the jest of it, no matter how many times I demonstrated. When she fell, I could feel my hip pulling to keep myself upright (my hips still hurts) but she had her hand completely secure into mine (Secure. I wondered if she ever felt security, like I have always been blessed to feel in my lifetime) and we tried time and time again to teach her to skate.
My heart ached for her. So alone in this massive crowd of people. I wondered to myself what her life was like. Maybe the best I can imagine it being, perhaps not. Perhaps my hand in hers was the closest thing she has felt to affection in some time. Perhaps no one had time for her-just as I didn't initially. Perhaps she just wanted someone to see her. To know she was there. You just never do know what someone may go through. Sometimes it is good to let down our guard and take notice, to be aware of those around us in this rush, rush world. Though painful for you (Jenny), I am glad you mentioned it. I am sorry for your pain as a child, but I think it a good reminder to those who might need it.
As for the child at the rink, she fell down one to many times, hurting herself a little (not crying) and I helped her off to the side and told her to rest awhile. I was so afraid she would fall on the rink and get run over. There were so many people there, I lost track of the child and didn't see her again. But I feel led to pray for her. And I will.
Thanks Jenny, for always sharing of yourself and the love of God-it can be found even on this blog. I always enjoy my visit.
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
you have no idea how this story just touched me. I could see the girl in my head and I had a lump in my throat just reading about her. Thank you so much for sharing this...
you are so sweet and encouraging.
Aw Leigh, you did such a wonderful think for that little girl. I'll bet she carries that memory of "the lady" that helped her. the forgotten children are the biggest heartbreak I see ... I just cannot stand it. God love her. I will pray for this little girl. You really touched my heart with this story.
That is so sweet!!! I really feel for people like that...not out of pity just out of pure compassion!!! I want them to feel the love I feel!!! I've been in a similar situation with a girl like that! =) You did the RIGHT thing and your post really touched my heart!!!!
Leigh, thank you for sharing this. The Lord definitely calls us to be on the lookout for the needs of others. This touched me deeply. Have a wonderful Easter.
I appreciate everyone's comments on this story. I only regret not spending more time with this child. BUt it does prove the point, you just never know what someone else is going through in life.
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