With Love being the theme of the day I am posting my top 10 love songs from my teenage years. That was when loving someone or having someone to love was of utmost importance. You were nobody unless you had somebody, right? And so, with you sitting anxiously on the edge of your set....my top 10 love songs....
1. Livin of a Prayer by Bon Jovi. It's true. I never knew anyone in the union, or that worked on the docks, so I couldn't really comprehend the intense situation of it being on strike. And poor Gina, working all day stuck at the Diner with all that grease. NO wonder she cried all the time. But they had each other and that's alot-it was enough. I got that part. I mean, those things are tough, man! They were livin' on a prayer. "Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear." Now that was sexy. I knew that the song was probably in code to me. But for all the other screaming and swooning fans at the concert, Jon never did see my hand. (I'd Die For you, Bon Jovi was a close second, hand motions accompanied this song, wonderfully.)
2. Every Breath You Take-Police I hated the Police. I thought they were a joke. I mean, come on. Grow some hair and man up to a tattoo parlor like the other hair metal guys I adored (BTW-BAMA, if you or Sledge or Smooth EVER come home with a TATTOO I will personally remove the embedded ink from your skin with my creme broula torch). But my (X)"fran" that did me soooo wrong. Kelly, was their "Number 1 fan". My mother must have been drinking heavily (not really mom. I know she just spit out coffee on that one. She doesn't drink anything stronger than coffee, but to drive the point) to allow such, but she allowed me and my friend Heather and Kelly to spend the night in front of Boutwell Auditorium with 500 other of police fans to secure tickets. I was a good friend. I saw a rat as big as I was. And being in downtown, he was packing heat. But no, this is not why I listed this song. It was because Brett Butler of THE Atlanta Braves was being traded. At his last game with them they played this song and had a little video montage to him. Me and my cousin Gina were CRAZY for Brett Butler. Our hearts were broken into a million pieces. How would we go on? Would we follow Brett to his new home team, or stay true to the Braves. Ahhh ,Torn between two lovers (that song sucked, BTW)....we chose the Braves.
3. Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley-this was such a sweet song. I rode around in my car just wishing I looked or could at least sing like my idol Stevie Nicks. In fact, I still do that. Listen Listen
4. Almost Paradise - Mike Reno/Anne Wilson -Hello! Footloose. Every young girl was "Almost in Paradise" when we saw Kevin Bacon dance in Footloose. Unlike every other girl, who thought he was "fine", I was more impressed with his dance moves. That man could D-A-N-C-E! But, I was more of a Willard type girl. How sweet to have no groove and yet try so hard to impress a girl. That was love, man. ListenListen
5. Is This Love - Whitesnake -If I couldn't be Stevie Nicks and I couldn't be Lita Ford, then I wanted to look like and be Tawny Kittean.

6. I want you to want me! by Cheap Trick. Actually I hated this song but I had to include it because Big Daddy played the guitar in the Air Band and this was the song they "played". Oh, Big Daddy (was little dude, aka slim then-but weren't we all...) with his flannel shirt unbuttoned, not a single hair on that 112 lb chest (I knew that because he wrested) Couldn't he see by now, that I did want him? I looovvvveeeddddd him. (Still do). He just couldn't see it past the bangs in his eyes. He was his own person. He didn't need the mullet like the rest of those inteh air band did. "I'm here! I'm Here!" I shouted over the crowd of hormonal 16 year old girls and boys trying to find someone who wanted them too. For me though, it was always Big Daddy. I hate this song. It gets on my nerves. I know mixed messages. But I am woman! http://www.amazon.com/gp/dmusic/media/sample.m3u/ref=dm_mu_dp_trk12_smpl?ie=UTF8&catalogItemType=track&ASIN=B00137VBKW&CustomerID=A2SRPX9AZVAMWT&qid=1203003478&sr=1-4&DownloadLocation=CD
If it wasn't this it would've been "Photograph" by Def Leopard. Being that I was a stalker of Big Daddy's for 12 years before he finally relented and gave in, this song allowed me to be cool. I think Def Leopard and I were one of the original stalkers. We made it cool. Now it's just a bunch of losers, certainly not like me.....
7. Close My Eyes by Ozzy Osborne and Lita Ford-What a sexy song. But today I hear it and it almost sounds like death. Imagine that the Prince of darkness singing about such grim subjects? I still don't know what they are singing about. I loved this song though. It was sad, it was deep, it was beyond my understanding. But Lita Ford rocked and in my book anything Lita did was a-ok. Listen Listen
8. Don't Know What You Got Til It's Gone - Cinderella -Ain't it the truth, man? I mean, how can you fully appreciate someone until they have broken up with you, sent your heat breaking into a million shards and then stomping on it? And then you pined and cried because "HE" was the one....How can you appreciate them until that happens? Listen Listen
9. More Than Words - Extreme. I can still recall seeing this black and white video for the first time on MTV. The nice little melody, no screaming, just a bunch of guys sitting around talking about love...because that is what guys do with other guys...they talk about and sing about love. I thought this song was ingenious and like nothing I had ever heard before.ListenListen
10. Angel by Aerosmith-Oh, takes me back...riding in the backseat of my best friend, Greg Stozier's, little corolla with by other BFF Jenny riding shotgun. Why oh why? Why can't he (special someone) see that I care for him. Why can't he feel the emotion and intensity there? "Play it again, Greg" (music cues and my hands pound the back of Greg's seat like a drum) Dun!-- Dun! Dun!---....Don't know what I'm gonna doooooo....about this feeeeeee-ling inside...." I think I made him play that song about 8 times back to back that night. As I moped and pouted in the backseat about unrequited love Jenny and Greg bickered back and forth about who made better milkshakes. McDonald's or DQ. We ended up at DQ downing and drowning my misery in a Mr. Misty cherry float. I didn't like milkshakes. Looking back now, I don't think that feeling inside was love, it was the 3 cherry Mr Misty's I downed......
While these are my top 10, I wouldn't feel right to not include :
Faithfully by Journey. "Circus life (singing to me here) under the big top, whoa...." Steve Perry sure had some pipes on him. This was a given song.
And finally,
There I was at Skate World with my friend Debby. It was here we were meeting our little bud's, Chris Cross and Chris Hatfield. Ah, but they dumped us to hang out with some other girls. We were furious, while "just friends", it sucked to be chosen last. I mean they had come to our schools skate day as our guest (they were from a different school). I learned alot about men that day. So, this song, brings back alot for me... the roller rink, the Chris's, the choosing of love over friendships......and then came couples skate. Now we had no one to skate with. "Lost in Love" by Air Supply. Enough said.
GREAT SONGS! Okay, I know this sounds funny, but I had a cousin who loved all of these songs when I was in elementary school (she was my idol and lived with us when she was in College). So to me, these songs were always the coolest. One song that you don't have on here that would be on my list: Next to Be With You by Mr. Big.
Great List! I added some older music to my Valentine post, but it is all about the LOVE today, isn't it?
Little French Girl info tomorrow and Yard Sale Left-Overs Tuesday...hope to see you there ;)
Happy Valentine's Day to you and Big Daddy!!
Mockingbird...I am on my way over to see yours.
Roaming Southerner-That is so funny. Even funnier becasue I DID have that one on my list, but replaced it with Cheap Trick. I never really did like that song, but thought I did becasue Big Daddy played it in air band. Brainwahsing techniques....
You definitely took me back to my freshman year in H.S...MTV and VH1were very different back then. I can't count how many nights my baby brother and I stayed up late to watch David Coverdale sing his heart out to Tawny Kitaen! (LOL)
WOW Leigh! We were like the same kid back then! I DISPISED the Police.. I was the only kid that hated Syncronicity.. I thought the Every Breath You Take song was CREEPY..And well, they just werent cute.. BUT BONJOVI!!! OMGGGGG Im listening to them as I type this.. hehe BTW, when I was at John Carroll, we had Air Bands and David Kirkwood and his friends did an impression of Bon Jovi that was so dead on it was scary.. They won that year.. David wore these skin tight pants and they were so skintight that the administrators made him wear shorts over his pants.. haha
This is so rad. I remember all of these awesome songs. You brought back some killer memories of the skating rink.
Later Dude.
Ahem, I mean bye Leigh.
Mrs Jules, Michelle and Darling Nicki (heehee) I am glad you enjoyed the walk with me down memory lane. Its always fun to think back....
I wonder when you sleep! I love so much to read your writing!!! For the Love!!.....
"And poor Gina, working all day stuck at the Diner with all that grease. NO wonder she cried all the time" Thats FUNNY....
he must of gotten tired of her crying or her greasy hair because the next track is " You Give Love A Bad Name "
Dullbert-now THAT is funny! LOL!!
Great choices. Love the pics!
After a few glasses of wine, I have no idea how I made it to your blog, something about Fabian Sanchez, I think.Just checking to see if he was the guy I went to H.S with. And yes, he is. How did I not know you? I had the same a)crush on a Bratina, I think mine may have been on Tony, obviously did not marry him, kudos to you. As I remember yours cannot remove his teeth on cue and b) also knew Greg Strozier since 1st grade. Have not laid eyes on him since graduation and c) remember fondly the Chris's red parachute pants! Anyway, really funny blog. You have such a great attitude on life! Kim (Fisher) Yearout
Thanks Lindsey. This was alot of fun to visit memory lane.
Hi Kim Fisher. I do remember you. I think you too went to Shades Mt.Elem. You were a year younger. Lets not bring that up now though, as I see crows feet already forming at my eyelida.
Ahhh, yes....my most classy brother in law Tony,who now likes to be called "Anthony". Yes, I fondly recall the tooth removal trick. It was after he crashed his malibu datsun in Star lake, his head hit the steering wheel and left him literally toothless, that is, until he got the removable tooth bridge. Yes, It was a certain way to pick up chicks (LOL!). And I am sure that he would still pull that move today if he felt it would give him an upper hand in any situation. I got a good one (twin)-whose teeth are all intact, which doesnt say any less for my bro-in-law. It is very endearing quality to him. He knows I love him....
Greg Stozier was just the best friend a girl could ever have. I will never forget growing up with him. He was my rock. You could tell him anything and he'd make you laugh. He'll always be family to me. He is married now to a most wonderful girl, who is the girl version of Greg. They have a handfull of gorgeous children that any parent would envy.
Ah! And yes-the two Chris'-such fond memories there! I think this is where I leanred a whole new vocabulary. LOL!
I am so glad that you found your way to my blog, blame it on the drinking, I am happy to have you swing by anytime. It is always great to catch up on old schoomates.I hope you will stop back by. In reading much of this stuff, it will drive one to drink, so consider it a head start! So pour another glass and pull up a chair.
Oh-and VOTE for Fabian!
Wonderful list! I loved everyone of them (except Ozzy - never got into him) and I mooned over one boy or another with some of those songs playing in the background.
Be blessed.
Lookitchoo! I remember this post and I LOVE that photo of you. Have fun Leigh!
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