Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 and other thoughts....

I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving. Mine was nice. It was wonderful to see all of the relatives. We have way to much fun when we are together. We played dirty Santa with Christmas ornaments. I was accused of being part of the "Hoover mafia", my cousin went on to say "with a satellite branch in Helena". I grew up in Hoover and my parents still love there. We were accused of such because I have a "larger family". Both my brother and I have three children, then there is my parents, we add up. We all had numbers that were all together in the Dirty Santa game, thus allowing us to steal from one another to secure good ornaments and have them deemed "dead " (unable to be stolen again). We took home some nice things. But this year it worked in our favor since we happened to pick #'s that were all in sync. It used to be that when my children were young I would instruct them who to steal from. Now, they are older and have minds of their own. My cousins with smaller children learned from the best and used that to their advantage yesterday. We had fun.
The food was wonderful. No store bought stuff in that house. Yummmm! The turkey toss competition went off as planned. However, my husband was unable to hold onto the title. There was a new rule this year, with a 2 toss minimum. Big Daddy came in second, but who counts second? That doesn't bring another trophy home to my mantel. My cousin, Michael won. I lost too. My cousin Pam won for the third time. I am starting to believe there is some possible steroid use there. I am going to suggest random drug testing in the weeks prior to the toss next year. This year we also had a seniors division. Seniors being age 60 and up. They were allowed to toss the Cornish game hen. This was suggested because of the abundance of back and knee problems. We had alot of interest, however, only three could safely participate. All of rest had either undergone recent surgery preventing them from throwing or was in fear of something slipping-as in disk and joints-and not on the bird. Cousin Glenda (aka Granny) won the seniors competition. As my ancestors once said, "a good time was had by all".
I must make mention of a couple things that I noticed yesterday....
Jack Frost has officially made his entrance into the south. I froze my turkey legs off yesterday being outside. Wow! Was it cold! And just as cold today. Yesterday we shoved people away from the fire pit to keep warm. I am going to build a fire at my home today and get a big pot of soup going and just sit inside and get started on one of my new books while sipping a mug of hot cocoa. Is anyone really crazy enough to venture out into the crowds to shop. In those crowds I know there are a bunch of sick people, germ carriers at the very least. I do all my shopping by Internet. I usually try to have it complete by October, although this is not the case this year. I am almost complete. Black Friday just sounds scary to me. Good Luck to the brave (or stir crazy) souls that do.
As I drove to Northern Alabama for our family get together I was shocked to see the Coosa River, or what was the Coosa River. In Gadsden the Coosa runs behind the mall in what is usually a beautiful site. Yesterday as we passed the river was now mostly a puddle here and there. It was mostly cracked mud-no water! A few weeks ago when I went up and walked the nature trail around the river the ducks stalked me for food. They were starved. I couldn't help but think of them again. Water is something we take for granted-until it dries up. I ask you all to do a little rain dance and prayer today for some water. Although the weather is so gorgeous outside now as the sun shines on the few colored leaves that remain clinging to the trees, so is the rain. Let it rain!

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