I was going to include this in my profile, but it ate up all of the word count. I had to include elsewhere, so I linked my profile to this post. It may bore you to tears...but here goes....
I’m a Christian, wife, stay at home momma, friend, photographer, amateur freelance writer and blogger. Every single day I fail at at least one of all of these….but I try and that is what counts. And I preach this to my children every day. Start something and finish it. Do not say, "I can’t" and always put forth your best. However, I too, am guilty of this at times. Who isn’t?
Speaking of kids…I have a full house with three kids, a husband, and five dogs. We are a couple kids (and -2 dogs away) from being considered “white trash”. At any given moment, there are extra kids about the house and we become qualify. But it’s my life and I love it. I wouldn’t change a thing.
I am married to my childhood crush, who to this day gives me goosebumps when he holds me. It was a Brady Bunch moment when I saw him through the classroom door (he was a new student at my school) and I immediately was drawn to him. I honestly believe that the Lord laid it onto my heart that Big Daddy was the one for me. To read more about our story, click here.
I look forward to one day having my beachfront property. I long to live out the dreams that have played in my head since I spent many blessed occasions at my parents and friends beach homes. For this reason, we live life frugally. We are thrifty. We are resourceful. We are tight. I am blessed that my husband is a man who is a financial wizard. It is our goal for him to retire in his early fifties so that we can live out those dreams.
I am interested in photography, blogging, music (everything except rap!) wildlife and nature, thrifting, singing Jimmy Buffet songs, simplicity and function in home decor, all things eclectic and last, painting on canvas, cooking, crafts, hiking, boating, fishing but not least - because it touches me to my core, dancing, though I suck at it. Think Elaine from Seinfeld. Yes, that bad. I am a huge hair metal music fan and will often regress to the days when I pretend that I am Lita Ford.
I am a germaphobic. I am a wealth of contradictions. I am an enigma.
Nevertheless, I love life. My glass is always “half full”. I am blessed. Everything in life is a lesson. We can throw a pity party or we can learn from life’s experiences and become knowledgeable. I chose the later. At least I try to make a conscious effort to do so. Jimmy Buffet says it best about life.."Some of it's magic, some of it's tragic but I had a good time along the way."
It’s about attitude. Life is what you make it and I choose to enjoy the ride.
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
These lines of yours were incredible.
"Everything in life is a lesson. We can throw a pity party or we can learn from life’s experiences and become knowledgeable. I chose the later."
Even I always chose the Later.
In case if I Steal those lines, don't sue me!! Lolz :)
I found this post in your sidebar and just loved reading it! I'm so glad I've met you. xoxo
I love who you chose to be each day, Leigh. That is awesome! I'm pretty laid back myself and always find ways to cut corners without sacrificing quality. I'm so glad I found your blog!
Wonderful. You are a writer!
Love this post all about you. You are surely one that I will be following...just to see what's going on. ^_^
Regina aka Regi
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