Thursday, October 18, 2007

Osteen on Beck

Just asking, Did anyone catch Joel Osteen on Glenn Beck last night? Man, I just think allot of that man, Osteen. Anther one me and my husband like to watch is T D Jakes. We are impressed with both.
Osteen is always so positive and his smile just radiates his relationship with the Lord. He could market that smile. Anyway, I got online and visited his web site. It offered a free book, "30 Thoughts for Victorious Living". The inspirational teachings contained in this devotional will carry you throughout the day and open your eyes of faith to the blessings of God that surround you in every area of your life. I requested one and look forward to reading it. In 2006, Joel Osteen One of Barbara Walter’s “Most Fascinating” . Click on the link for more of that. He and his wife provide an interesting story of their church and it's following. I was really hoping to go and visit when I visited my friend Janet, who moved to Houston. But Janet didn't like Houston and is back. Oh, well, I will continue to tune in via television.


Anonymous said...

your blog is such a great read and I can usually agree or relate to many of your posts so I'll give you a pass on this one. If you continue to watch him make sure your purse is not in the same room as the television.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I can understand and appreciate your thoughts. No, I do not provide financially,which many people may disagree with me on (as in to tithe). But I feel people are lead in different ways. I prefer to see my money actually put to good use (not that the other isn't) but I prefer to be hands on, such as giving time and $$ to charitable causes such as Jessie's Place, Humane Society, St Jude's....things such as that. But I do get the message of their encouraging sermons. I can fully appreciate those.
I am a bit sceptical of tv preachers, I personally have seen a fmialy member that was in such despair financially give their last dollars to another evanglist only to be outed as to the true nature. However I do like Jakes and Osteen. No offense taken. We all have opinions, isn't that the beauty of it all. Glad you enjoy the blog. It is my personal outlet...sometimes crazed, but I enjoy it.THX!

Anonymous said...

Your eloquent response is exactly why your blog is such a good read and once again I find myself in agreement of your scepticism of tv preachers and how to put my $s to the best use. I too would much rather give directly to specific causes especially when guys like these live in 2 million dollar homes. I know some tv preachers do a service to those who are homebound but some are nothing more than "pulpit pimps"