Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thrifty Thursday #95 + a Tablescape

Hi! It's Thrifty Thursday! I am your host, Leigh. Thank you so much for stopping by and additional thanks to those who also participate in Thrifty Thursday! I am most delighted to have you join in..for it's YOU who makes it a "show and tell party". I also participate in Tablescape Thursday the host of that fun carnival is the Hostess with the Mostess...Susan of Between Naps on the Backporch. That's no lie or exaggeration, each week I visit Susan's porch and just long to be a guest at any of her tablescapes...especially those held on the porch.

(You can click on any pictures for a closer view)

*Thrifty Thursday takes place each Thursday and is hosted here at Tales from Bloggeritaville, but the party is a progressive one, visit the links to see all the Thrifty Thursday links to see the thrifty treasures participating bloggers have to share.

*Don't forget to copy and paste the Thrifty Thursday logo button to your computer so you can add it to your side bar and your Thrifty Thursday post. That way visitors will know that your are participating in Thrifty Thursday.

This week's Thrifty Thurday comes by way of my friend Diva. As mentioned in my Monday post, on Christmas Eve my family paid a visit to our friends the Dassau's. My friend Diva shared with me a thrifty project she recently did. She recovered her dining room chairs in a shower curtain! She found the shower

curtain at Ross for $8.00. She loved the fabric and the colors and design.

I dont know why the picture appears to have two differnt colors, they are both the same color, same fabric.

However, there was only one shower curtain, enough to cover two chairs, but not enough to cover four.She actually found a neutral tabelcloth that was pretreated with stain guard and covered the remaining chairs, plus some barstolls in that fabric. Diva has two young children and can a test to the fact that the guard works.

I love this idea! A shower curtain! Now that's thinking out of the box!

Now onto Tablescape Thursday...

 All dishes came from AT HOME, Homewood.

Thanks to all of you for stopping by and participating in today's Thrifty Thursday.

Join me tomorrow at Plates and Places for Foodie Friday.

Please use Mr. Linky below to link up your blog. Please leave a comment after linking. I love to hear from you.I encourage you all to spread the love and visit the other thrifty Thursday participants, for that's what half the fun is. Aside from seeing a cool treasure it's making friends!

Thank you, all, FRIENDS! I appreciate YOU!
HUGS! Hope to see you tomorrow, but not before you leave some "roadmap" love!

Thrifty Participants:


Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

WHAT a great profile picture! Thanks for hosting! :)

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

I like thinking outside the box. Not only does it provide unique decorating ideas, but it usually does so for a lot less money.

Please be sure to come by and enter my fantastic year-end giveaway. Click the picture in my sidebar for details.

Blessings and Happy New Year!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

teresa said...

Such wonderful colors. You don't even need to be a great cook with that presentation. I would be dazzled by the sight alone

j said...

Using shower curtains to recover the chairs is such a great idea. Inexpensive and easy to clean up! I'm due for an update in my dining room so I appreciate this post VERY much!

Love ya Leigh!

Barbara Jean said...

Thanks for hosting Leigh


barbara jean

mE aNd mY tℎrIfTy IdEas said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and absolutely adore it! Thanks for hosting such an awesome linky party and have a happy new year!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

The chairs look fabulous. What a great idea to use the shower curtain. The fabric is gorgeous. Such a beautiful tablescape also. Thanks for hosting this fun meme. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

I like that shower curtain idea! Will put that away for future chair covering.

Happy New Year, Leigh!

Anonymous said...

Linky is being really slow today!

How I wish I could be drifing along today like your new header.

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

Thanks so much for hosting. I tried to post last night but couldn't get the blog party to load for some reason. Happy New Year!

Donnie said...

I forgot that I wanted to sign up with you all too. Pooh. Oh well, next Thursday I hope to be there. Have a Happy New Year.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

What a great idea with the shower curtain. Love that pretty fabric. Have a wonderful new year Leigh, looking forward to 2011 will all my blogging friends.

Entertaining Women said...

Shower curtains to recover the chairs...a great thinking outside the box idea! Your tablescape is lovely...warm and welcoming. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay