And the good people of Marshalls/TJMaxx challenged me to one!
Allow me to explain...
Women everywhere are anxiously awaiting the May 27th release of Sex and the City 2. We all know Sex and the City the TV show and the movie always leave women everywhere salivating over fashion, as well as the characters love lives. Whether you’re a Charlotte, a Samantha, a Carrie or a Miranda, you don’t can get the looks inspired by the movie even if you don’t have Charlotte’s Park Avenue budget or Mr. BIG’s wallet!
In the spirit of the those amazing wardrobes of the girls from Sex in the City, I was challenged to find a "thrifty" version of the 10 million dollar wardrobe that was budgeted for the release of the new movie, Sex in the City 2.

I have to admit though, I have never seen Sex in the City.
But I am aware of the clothing and it's influences on the world of fashion, so I was thrilled to accept the challenge by Marshalls/ TJMaxx. I was given a $50.00 budget, much less than the 10 million clothing budget of SIC, but that didn't scare me at all. You don’t have the money like the ladies in the big city or don’t have a “Mr. Big,” (not to be mistaken by Big Daddy, a self professed tight wad) to pull off designer looks, By shopping at off-price retailers like TJ Maxx and Marshalls, you can find the same items for less.
Here are some pictures from the movie to be released....

With that in mind, I headed to my local TJ Maxx store in Alabaster. It didn't take me long to come up with some summer fashions that I thought gorgeous...and all of these pieces are less that $20.00 each piece. I like that!
And this is what I purchased:
BandolinoBlu Jeans $16.99
and 2 Tops for $16.99 each, just barely going over my $50.00 budget...bc I had to have it!
I love the tops that I got (below) because they are no thought tanks, I don't even have to put on a necklace because of their design. Just earrings or a bracelet and I'm ready!
All approved by Jeffery Windham, my shihtsu.
I declare myself a "maxinestta"!
You can be a maxinestta too and have these designer looks at discount prices too...and just in time for the SITC2 movie on Friday!
(This is a compensated review by TJMAXX/Marshalls)
Cute outfits! I love the tops. I need to go shopping's time for my 5 year clothing update.
ps..nice job hiding the sizes!!!
You did a fantastic job!!!! I LUV TJ Maxx!!!!
Great job Girl...
Loved watching the runway dresses the first time,
I'm sure the next one will be just as good!
Just fun going to the theatre with the girlfriends!!!!
Let's here it for The Maxx and Marshalls!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Very nice! Being challenged to shop-gotta love that!
LOVE TJ Max, but I am DANGEROUS in the housewares dept!
xoxo pattie
What a great job you did with just $50 to spend.
You're a true fashionista, dahling!
I am loving those two tops with all the bling...Great job! I have a hard time staying out of the housewares too! Lucky you to get a $50.00 gift certif from T.J. Maxx! I'm so jealous! :))
Great job Leigh! And here I thought I was the only one who had never seen this show. Love what you've picked out -- hope you got some free tickets to see the show in your fun inspired outfit!
Your clothes are awesome! Very chic. I LOVE TJ Maxx and Marshall's I show how to do a tablescape for less with their wares all the time! You did a great job Leigh.
Love the tops - they will look SO CUTE on you! Wish I had some like that, but alas, we might be thought to be twins :-)
Love from the other LB!
Well done! I love the tops you chose!!!
TJMaxx and Steinmart are my two favorite stores for just about everything. For years, I have found gorgeous fashions and home accessories at both of these stores.
Jane (Artfully Graced)
I never watched the show when it was first on. Probably conflicted with something I felt was more valuable. (Sleep?) But now that I have seen the first movie I will turn on the occasional mini sex marathon. If I can see several episodes at once...
I am interested in seeing movie no. 2 but will wait for it to hit my cable box or library on CD.
Love love love the tops! Hmmmm...I might have to copy you my sweet friend.
I loved all your purchases. I love hunting a bargain for a lot less. I hate paying the prices some of the major chains ask...I mean...when they have their end of the season people actually believe they are losing money when they reduce things 75%? I bought a 400.00 jacket from Dillards several years was 75% off...with an additional 25% off the math...that should have been free....I paid 20.00 for it...and gladly. They probably still made money. Happy Weds.
Not a single episode? Well honey you did a great job finding SITC worthy clothing!! Great job!
Kristin - The Goat
I had to stop reading after "Ive never seen Sex and the City"...Leigh Bratina!
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