Hi! It's Thrifty Thursday! I am your host, Leigh. Thank you so much for stopping by and additional thanks to those who also participate in Thrifty Thursday! I am most delighted to have you join in..for it's YOU who makes it a "show and tell party". I also participate in Tablescape Thursday the host of that fun carnival is the Hostess with the Mostess...Susan of Between Naps on the Backporch. That's no lie or exaggeration, each week I visit Susan's porch and just long to be a guest at any of her tablescapes...especially those held on the porch.
(You can click on any pictures for a closer view)
*If you do not know what Thrifty Thursday is or need more info on Thrifty Thursday you can go here.
*Don't forget to copy and paste the Thrifty Thursday logo button to your computer so you can add it to your side bar and your Thrifty Thursday post. That way visitors will know that your are participating in Thrifty Thursday.
This has been the craziest week. It has been nonstop from before sun up and long after the sun is down. Every night. Wrestling, cheerleading, practises, meetings, work, errands and chores pile up. It's been crazy. But it is something that we all do, so I cannot complain to much. I do know, however, that most of you can empathize with me. You know what happens to a candle that is burned at both ends? It quickly melts. And that is what I would like to do. LOL. Into my bed anyway.
Now onto Thrifty Thursday...
My friend, Diva donated the remainder of her mother's estate to her church youth, who were organizing a yard sale from church members donated items. The sale was last Sauturday. I had actually forgotten about the sale and just happened to drive by and see the sign. The sign read the sale was from 7-1. But at the time I saw it, it was now five after 1PM. But I was determined. I walked inside and asked if I could still take a look around, as they were bagging up the remaining items. "I have money!" I announced (what they didn't know, was it was very little.) They agreed to let me in and kindly chatted with my mother and I as we poked through things. My mom walked away with a nice haul of things, all of which I forgot to photograph, such as a set of blue and a set of mauve fiestaware for $8.00, a authentic railroad lantern($15) that she plans to give to her brother, who is a HUGE railroad buff and a green fiestaware ball pitcher ($10). I on the other hand, found little that I had to have. I mentioned earlier this week that I spent a quarter on a cage for my son to play "catch and release" hermit crabs when we are at the beach. On my way out the door, however, I spotted a large box marked "Free". Don't you love that word? I feel my blood warm when I see/hear it. I walked over to the box, inside was a ton of antique sheet music. I grabbed some that I thought would make beautiful wrapping paper for gifts, that I cold use in crafts and on homemade cards. Can't you just imagine a gift wrapped in sheet music tied off with a red bow to play off of the black and white? Gorgeous. And free.
But it was a sheet music book that was my score of the day. Inside the book was the copyright date of 1847. The patina of the book told the story, it was well worn, well used, well played. Sure it had some stains with age and who knows what, but I loved it.
And it was FREE! I skipped out of the church with my muscial book in hand.
When I got home, my project for my book was simple. The cover was already hanging on by threads, so I ripped the cover off and inserted it into an 11x14 matted frame. Wah, la! Instant art with lots of charater!
I love it!
Now, onto to Tablescape Thursday, which is hosted by Susan of Between Naps on the Porch.
My tablescape today is courtosey of my visit to the At Home store.
I only wish that I owned these dishes and had this tablescape to enjoy. The setting is an outdoor tablescape, on a gorgeout tin and painted tile table and chairs.
Complete with mood lighting provided by this gorgeous lantern.
And the dishes, glasses and vases, so pretty! And all can be found At Home in Homewood, Alabama.
What is a tablescape without the food? I invite you to stop by my food blog, PLATES & PLACES, tomorrow for Foodie Friday!
Thanks to all of you for stopping by and participating in today's Thrifty Thursday. Please use Mr. Linky below to link up your blog.I encourage you all to spread the love and visit the other thrifty Thursday participants, for that's what half the fun is. Aside from seeing a cool treasure it's making friends!
Thank you, all, FRIENDS! I appreciate YOU!
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
I just love what you did with that music cover, and it's so great that it was free!
Wow, you scored with the FREE sheet music and the cover in frame looks awesome, very artsy and vintage!
Hi Leigh,
I figured it was time I got over here to visit. You really scored with that music book, it looks so vintage and cool inside the frame. I also love the pretty table, the china is super pretty! Thanks for hostessing, Cindy
Your sheet music was a real score!! Ha ha! I love how you framed the cover, Priceless!! I was on a blog today and she made a Christmas ornament of a rolled up page of sheet music wrapped around with lace. So Pretty. Can't wait to see what you do!!
Leigh you always come up with the best stuff girl...I love what you did with the sheet musice...I hope all is well on your side of the mountain my friend...Take care....Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love the free box too - I have a great find - but, I am still making it over, LOL !
I love your new free art !
Hugs ~Kammy
Oh WOW, the cover of the music book framed is really beautiful!! And your ideas of using the sheet music to wrap in is really a neat idea! That sure sounded like a wonderful sale!!! Wish I could've been there!!
This is a busy time of year! I admire parents for all that they do for their kids! I really don't know how you do it all! I don't have kids and there are some days when it just never seems like the work will end!
I love your sheet music! What a great idea for wrapping paper! That will look so pretty under your tree!
The music book is beautiful! What a great idea to frame the cover. It is a great and unique piece of art! How do you find out about all of these sales? I am hoping to do some seriously thrify/crafty Christmas shopping this year! Tips, please!
I always enjoy reading your blogs!
Thanks for sharing!
That is truly a work of art!!!
m ^..^
You are so right about how versatile sheet music is - my buddy Jerri has made some gorgeous things with sheet music.
The framed book cover was truly inspired! It really turned out well!
I had something I wanted to share this week but I ran out of time. When the glue dries I'll take a picture and schedule the post :)
I love the framed music book cover....the flourishes on the cover really look great with that frame...love it!
Hi, Leigh... love the music, and that's neat that you got it for free. Love that tablescape, too. Sounds like you and your mom had a good time thrifting. So glad she got the lantern for your uncle and some neat Fiestaware, too.
Happy Thrifty Thursday...
Sheila :-)
Hey Leigh!!!
What a find! I really loved those dishes in your tablescape! Those colors are gorgeous!!!
By the way...I know you painted one of my favorite pictures, but I just posted about my Gustav Klimt find!!! I'm soooooo excited!
Hi Leigh,
thanks for hosting again.
Love the little chairs with your table scape, and the music framed up- wonderful!!!
Love old music.
barbara jean
Hi eigh! I really like the dishes and the pottery, so retro! and the sheet music, wow! I am glad you saved it. And you can't beat "Free"....Christine
Great score on the sheet music. I never would have thought to wrap gifts in it thanks for the idea. You gotta love that free stuff!
Please ignore my link....I had not had my coffee yet and the wrong post got linked to your Thrifty Thursday post and Mr. Linky is not letting me change it! Leigh, feel free to delete it if you have the power. SORRY!!
Cool find on the old music book....love how you framed it! Thanks for hosting again this week. I linked up.
Pretty tablescape. Love those colors. Thanks for sharing.
What a great idea with the sheet music! I have boxes that were left in this old house when we bought it and I have lots of old frames. May have to "steal" your idea! :D Jewel
Hey Girl - That was from "mama's house"!! I am so glad it is in a good home and that you got it for free!! I would be very upset if my friend would have had to pay for it when they did so much to help me over the past year!!! Love to my girl - Diva
Hi Leigh,
The book cover looks great in that frame! I think the table setting reminds me of peacocks! I don't have a post today but always enjoy seeing what you've been up to.
Oh my goodness I'm totally in love with that sheet music. My mom bought a christmas tree once that had been decorated with sheet music. It's terribly hard to describe, but maybe I'll figure out how to describe it for you because it would look gorgeous in your home!!
Have a wonderful Thirfty Thursday, I'll be back to participating in a few weeks :)
Kristin - The Goat
Hi Leigh, you made some great scores! Love the music. This is my first time to join a party, so I hope I did it right. You said the directions were here, but I couldn't find a link. Hope I did it right.
I love the texture and colors in the tablescape.. Fantastic!
~Really Rainey~
I'd love to decoupage with some old sheet music if I could find it.
Oh my! That is awesome sheet music and free to boot!
Your project is just beautiful. Perfect artwork.
Hope this finds you doing well. I really hope to get back to posting Thrifty Thursdays. Lately life has been getting in the way. : )
We just cleaned out some of my fil collection of "stuff" and donated tons of very old sheet music to their church garage sale. Now, I wish I'd kept some of it!
I always love to stop by bloggeritaville, I know you'll always have something great for me to read.
The framed music book cover is fabulous!
Clever girl! & Free too.
Truly a trash to treasure with the sheet music...I, too, wish I owned those dishes!
The new art looks great, and I love that little table.
What a find, I'm sure you'll come up with some great projects for that sheet music!
Love that music picture! I'm so glad it's the weekend after such a crazy week too! Happy treasure hunting!
"I have money!" HAHAHA! A lady after my own heart. I'd have done the same. ;-) I'm DYING to see the lantern! Sounds like the deal of the century to me. Can you imagine the price if an antique dealer was selling it??
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