Today is Wednesday and we all know that that means.....it's a great day to be outdoors!
Even my fine feathered friends agree...........
Aren't they just beautiful?
And if you missed my Summer Celebration post yesterday-be sure to check it out, there is alot of fun in the outdoors pictures in that one. It just makes me happy looking at it.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
To see more outdoor post visit our gracious host, Susan at A Southern Day Dreamer!
I want to remind everyone about #20 Thrifty Thursday, happening here at Bloggeritaville.

Thrifty Thursday is a show and tell of sorts. It is time for you to showcase your thrifty find. It can be an old find or a new one. It might be something that you found at a thrift store, a consignment store, flea market, garage/yard sale, dumpster diving, even antique stores. It's it was a thrifty find, then it meets the requirements.I am not picky, It can be a great pair of boots & a killer vintage dress, jewelry, home decor, even fishing lures. It is your thrifty find. Tell me about it.Where did you find it? What is it? What do you plan to do with it or how do you plan to use it in your home? Do you want to sell it? Thrifty Thursday's are about the thrill of the hunt...and the treasure you found.So....do show and tell! Be sure to grab a button and link back.
Don't forget to come back here tonight at 8PM and leave your direct hyperlink to your Thrifty Thursday post in the comment box of my thrifty thursday post. I will post the links within the post, updating often.
Have a fabulous day, y'all! Leave me a "roadmap".
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Leigh! I love to watch hummingbirds! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Aren't hummingbirds the neatest little things? They love to visit my fuschia.
Hi Leigh,
Hummingbirds are one of my most favorite birds, and I look forward to their visits each year. Thank you for sharing.
Happy outdoor Wednesday! Your hummingbirds make me smile.
I love that feeder Leigh, and that hummingbird as well. He or she, looks like he or she, hit the jackpot! See you tomorrow! I have a great thrifty tablescape lined up! I can't wait to show you!
Thanks for sharing your great pics!
Happy OW!
Your hummingbird feeder is great!! Just the perfect color of course. My 2 yr. old loves to watch them hover all around the house so we try to place the feeders near windows. They are always hovering somewhere by a window, love those little birdies.
They are beautiful. My daughter has them every year and keeps the feeders filled for them. Don't see them in my neighborhood. A neighbor put out a feeder few years ago and none came around.
Hi, Leigh! Love your hummingbirds. They are some of my favorite birds, and I love how they dart in and out around those hangers.
I would love to join you on Thursday, but it is the only day I have to get ready to go out of town. I will be sure and check your summer post.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
Sheila :-)
One day I was out on my patio when all of a sudden I had the most excruciating pain in one ear and that side of my head. I looked around, held my head and tried to figure out if I was dying! Turns out it was a hummingbird, hovering just a few feet from me and it's wings were disrupting the workings of my inner ear. I could actually feel each pulse of the wings. For being so incredibly painful for a few moments, it was a fantastic learning experience!
You got some wonderful shots, by the way :)
I love watching hummingbirds! They are so tiny but their wings fluter very fast. :) Thank you for sharing with us.
Beautiful shots Leigh. I've not "captured" our hummingbirds yet. I think I'm too slow!
Hi Leigh,
Thanks, loved the poem, you did not disappoint.
Your hummers are darling and what a nice big feeder. They do get cranky when they run out of food. Your pictures are amazing, you captured those guys in hover mode.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday.
PS - listening to your music, makes me feel I should be on vacation somewhere.
Hi Leigh, I love hummingbirds...so pretty. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.
Hummingbirds must be a favorite for many people. They are some of mine and I love the visitors each year to our feader. Your feeder is beautiful and so are your photos of your little fast friends!!!
Thanks for sharing and I am off to see your other post!
What a wonderful feeder. They are among my favorite birds. Thank you for sharing your pictures. Have a wonderful day.
Hummingbirds are such fun to watch - thanks for these beautiful pictures - and what a great feeder!
Oh, I love hummingbirds!! I am so going to buy a hummingbird feeder now!
Hi Leigh! What sweet hummingbird shots you got. I so love watching them. Happy O.W. to you.
I'm combining my Tablescape Thursday with your Thrifty Thursday tomorrow. See you then...
my mother loves hummingbirds as well and has humming bird feeders hanging all over her yard
Hi Leigh,
Love the hummingbirds, great shots! I have them looking in my windows on my front porch and they come and hover above our heads when we sit in the porch swing too! I leave for Key West on the 19th so your music has put me in the mood! I have to run into town but hopefully I'll be back around 8 to sign up for Thrifty Thurs. Luanne
Hi Leigh! Oh, how precious that you were able to capture the hummingbird! I love these little darlings! Hope all is well in your southern world!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0
I love watching them too. They love to visit the brightly colored flowers on my deck!
How cute to see a hummingbird. Nice pictures. Happy outdoor Wednesday
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