Clearly I am a woman with hormones that love to play with my emotions. I laugh and cry in almost the same breath. Perhaps is it time to fill the prescription for my happy pills again. Perhaps is it time to get a life. LOL!
Why all this? Kris won on American Idol. And I am so excited, as if it were my own son. Probably because he is old enough to be my son! But I think it was Kris' never ending grace, sportsmanship and goodwill that makes me exude happiness for him at his win. When he won tonight, his reaction..."I can't believe this. No way. Adam deserves this (points to Adam and shakes his head). Thank you to the fans of American Idol, because you're the reason all of us (points to the top 12 Idol contestants who will travel the country on tour) are here."
That my friends is Grace. That my friends, is Kris Allen! I am sooooo happy! Congrats!
Leigh - I felt the same way. And the look on his family's faces made me cry even more! They seem like such a nice Christian family, which makes it that much better! SO happy for him - he did deserve to win. He is SO adorable!!!!!
I had a feeling he was going to win. Congrats to you and all of the Kris fans out there!
I haven't really watched IDOL this season but have kept up on it with blurbs here and there. I could not be more happy for Kris! I watched the show last night and thought the he and Keith Urban had a very wonderful song together!!! But when Adam came out with KISS, I thought, "Oh boy, here is the big show!!" Honestly, I thought Adam was going to win - like Kris.
Both were very good.
Kris is the man, though!!
I love when laughing and crying co-exist. Reminds me of Dolly Parton's quote from Steel Magnolias "laughter through tears is my favorite emotion".
Oh, Leigh, I watched last night and feel the same as you! This young man is such a gentleman and truly humble and God wanted another Christian to become the new American Idol! Yay, God!! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Well, I didn't cry. But I was extremely pleased that Kris won. He definately deserved it.
I screamed so loud that I think some people in my condo were wondering if they should call the Police:)
I don't watch AI (except sometimes the auditions) but not at all the last few years. I'd heard here and there about it...and when I heard Keith Urban and Steve Martin were going to be one...yeah, changed my mind. I thought Kris did a terrific job with KU (I'm a HUGE fan)...feedback on a local country station was that Kris could easily open for KU...great blend. I'd like to see him go into country...definitely more family oriented...and there are several Idols who have ended up there...Carrie Underwood, Kelli Pickler, Craig Morgan...they'd welcome him.
The other acts were amazing...I wonder what blackmail Simon used to get such high calibre acts (I'm talking Queen, KISS, Santana, Rod Stewart...not a fan of Black Eyed Peas...)
I was just thrilled for Kris and his family. His wife is a former University of Arkansas Homecoming Queen, and as a Razorback fan, I adopted Kris from the beginning. My sister-in-law was in downtown Conway for the results show.
I was really sad that Adam didn't win but I loved them both!!!!! =)
I must say that Adam did a WONDERFUL job with KISS!!!!!!!!
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