This week of Thanksgiving, I am republishing some post of the past, these are all relating to Thanksgiving celebrations and traditions. I am busy this week planning, preparing, and taking this time to visit YOU, my blogger friend. For I am immensley thankful for you!
Thank YOU for taking time from your day to drop by Bloggeritaville to visit me. I enjoy your visits, your comments, your emails. It means so much to me. I invite you back this weekend for a look back at my Thanksgiving celebration and on Monday, where Christmas will be in full swing, complete with a Christmas header, Christmas music and Christmas post! I hope that you will join me.
May your Thanksgiving be filled with good food and good company. May you relish your Thanksgiving traditions, or start new ones. I pray that your blessings are plentiful!
Thankyou friend!
Thanksgiving Day is made special in my home. There is both an abundance of people and food, and everyone-I mean-everyone is welcome on Thanksgiving day (I have tried to convince my bug man to come for the past 7 years. He doesn't do anything for Thanksgiving. That bothers me so.) We come together and give thanks.
Our menu is quite large, and I listed it below. But I could not list everything. Some people just make whatever they feel and bring it. But here is a list of a traditional Thanksgiving meal at Grannie's house:
Thanksgiving Menu:
Ham and Fried Turkey
Cornbread Dressing
Coca Cola salad
Potato salad
Cole Slaw
Oriental slaw
Pineapple-Walnut salad
Pasta Salad
Broccoli Salad
Vegetables & Sides:
Gueryre Mashed Potatoes
Squash casserole
Mashed potatoes
Broccoli casserole
Green Beans
Butter Beans
Wanda's Corn Casserole
Devil Eggs
Mac and Cheese
Sweet Potato casserole
Vegetable Lasagna
Pecan cobbler
Apple Cake
Rice Krispy treats
Pound Cake
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Bread
Spice Cake
Banana Pudding
And that's just a small portion. Seriously. Yes, it is honestly sinful the amount of food. But we do have a hassle of people to come on Thanksgiving Day, this year we are expecting 60 people. We eat both lunch and supper off of this spread. And what a spread it is.
What does you family serve on Thanksgiving?
Kellie, over at Kellie's House is hosting all kinds of fun as we count down to thanksgiving week. She is having giveaways based on Thanksgiving post. You can play along too for a chance to win-and join in the fun of the holiday. Go to Kelly's House, tell her Leigh sent ya!
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
O M Gosh! What a menu! It all sounds yummy. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, Take care, DebraK
You know we already look like the "fatted cow" ready for the slaughter house!!! But..... We have fun and are so thankful for all of our blessings from above.
ILU, Mom
Hey what is Coca Cola Salad? I would like the receipe to that and the pineapple walnut salad, where could I find it.
Golly I am hungry!
Yes, recipe for Coca-cola salad please. Sounds interesting!
Debra- As I said, it is quite sinful.
Mom- You are right!
Polly & Tammy- I posted the recipes for those on my Plates and PLaces site:
Valarie- Come and eat with us....there's always "plates and places..."
BTW- Also on my recipe blog is recipes for the vegetabel lasagne, mac and cheese, corn and you might come across some others.
FYI- My blog friend, Sandi, over at Whistlestop Cafe , posted some great information yesterday on the friend turkey. her link is on both of my blogs on the sidebar. Check her out!
Thank you for sharing your menu with us...everything sounds delicious! I'm glad you joined in the fun this week!
now I want to leave my house behind and head to your place! that sounds amazing!!
Sounds like enough to feed an army!
My word Leigh, that menu's dizzying! And delicious!
Happy Thanksgiving my friend and enjoy your day!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving my friend!! Love you!
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