Several of you commented on how good my sister in law looked after just giving birth. I wish I could tell you that picture was taken hours after the delivery. It wasn't. She is just a freakishly good looking person. In fact, when we arrived we were told to wait outside of the room so that the doctors could ascess My sis as well as the baby. So when I took the pics, it was that soon after her delivering. True it isn't fair. I don't look even half that good on my best day.
So.... there we were- the family circus paying a visit to the hospital to see the newest member to the family. Our circus has a total of five people. At the hospital we joined my parents, my sister in laws parents, my brother (of course) and his two older children. All of us, in that tiny little hospital room. Four children ages 10 and under, not counting that little baby. And there in the bed lay my sister in law, looking fabulous-even after being sawed in half and a baby pulled from the womb only moments before. It got a bit loud in that room, all of us trying to speak. And a bit cramped. Everyone wanting to "See the Baaaaby", as they say on Seinfeld. The three girls each wanting to hold the new baby. Each one wanting a turn. As soon as the baby was placed in the lap on one child, another would say, "It's my turn". It got a bit chaotic, to say the least.
At one point I looked over at my sister in law, who looked at me and smiled. Then I noticed, her hand lifted in the air, held in a fist, and then she gave a little squeeze and I heard a little pumping sound. The morphine pump. It was her only coping mechanism to all the chaos. God love her.
Soon after, I gathered my troops and we soon left the little family with a little glimpse at what their life with three kids will be like from this day forward. I hope she can somehow sneak that pump home amongst her personal items. For I know all to well, she's gonna need it.
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
LOL...oh god I love how clever this post is and the double entendre! :)
I love morphine pumps. In fact, I could use one now, but not for pain ;)
I wonder why we can't have morphine pumps at home?? I haven't been over in a while and you've been busy! It's been crazy in our neck of the world lately too.....
Congrats on the new baby!
I found your kitchen cab post & they really look great painted black.
I'd love to come over, so let me know when....if you seriously need some HELP! I'm here....
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