Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love and Relationships....

Last night Big Daddy and I went to supper at Styx Japanese Restaurant in Hoover to have a special "date night" for Valentines Day. Bama had tutoring and got out of baby sitting so my parents draw the short straw and got the other two children. It was a nice supper, though we were seated with a large family celebreating a birthday and there were Big Daddy and I, feeling very much like we were crashing a private party. "I hope this isn't a romantic evening for the two of you." one of the ladies spoke up. We just smiled. Who us? Nahhh.....It was just what we wanted, a romantic meal with a group of strangers, several of them children (after ditching our own for adult conversation). LOL! I don't know why Japanese restaurants cannot allow a smaller table for small groups. Oh, well. We made the best of it, with our newly adopted kids and family.

I went to my parents house yesterday, looking for some pictures for a future post that I am working on. I went through the "family archives" (a box full of pictures) and found some that I had either forgotten about (unlikely) or had never seen. Many of them from my Dad's side of the family. But there were also a few from my mom's. There were so many cute ones, that I will forever treasure. I thought I would post these.....

Hey! Amy Winehouse!....My mother called and wants her hairdo back!

And I also like these two of my dad as a young boy. I love the old car in the one and the stores with the window fronts (and a little Boston Terrier) in the other.

As pesimistic as I am about Valentines Day, know it is because I think that it is a day in which we should celebrate our love and relationships every day not just one. I think that it became so commercialized that there are so many expectations on buying expensive things, rather than true expressions of love. I do sincerely hope that all of you have a special Valentines with those you love, be it your spouse, child, parents, friend or dog. Where ever you find love and companionship. This lovely Valentine Card is one that I ripped off, uh, I mean Borrowed (she actaully GAVE) from fellow blogger friend, Maebelle Park . To all of you....Happy Valentine's Day.


Hewy Nosleep said...

LOL, The last one is like the little rascals!

The Hickmans said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

Anonymous said...

I do look like Amy Winehouse.......minus the tatoos and devil'ish drawn on eye-makeup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "But I don't wanna be Amy Winehouse!!!!!!!!!!! "

Anonymous said...

let me tell you...I'm working with Patty (as she is opening up a store front) for me to add my "non valentines" card line! Seriously...Hallmark has made enough money on this commercialized day! I'm writing as I type!! Loved the pal..."high may"