Friday, December 28, 2007

Social Call

The Youngs came over yesterday. Wii was the activity of choice. I can honestly tell you, that my arms are so sore from that game! Seriously, I have been a member at Curves for the past year and my arms never have burned like that. I have sent in my resolution papers to Curves. I think I will put Wii on the new workout agenda for 2008. Of course there will be other forms on exercise, like roller skating and dance.
Back to the Youngs visit....we had a jolly ole time. They got to see their new puppy that they are adopting from my Lucy Lu. They are currently calling "Fat Fanny"!! Let me tell you, the name it very appropriate. This puppy is a dog on steroids. She is much larger than the rest of the litter. I wondered aloud yesterday if someone snuck or traded out in a St Bernard pup into Lucy's box when I wasn't looking. If so, they too must appreciate my sick sense of humor. The puppy is huge!
I am just happy about the name and hope it sticks. All who know me know how I love to sing and that anything in a conversation, any word mentioned at any time can work me up into a spontaneous outburst of song. And I love Queen! That was the song yesterday.


jennyhope said...

LOL! When you get time I need you to come pick up the stray psycho cat that keeps coming to my door. j/k =)

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

My husband would divorce me for certain if I bring in another animal or child...LOL

Abbey's Road said...

Had to pick myself up off o' the floor to write about the singing ... here we are again ... I recall the singing of prayers ... but I sing just about everything these days ... just got this song in my heart and it keeps going round and round and round .... I had a daschund (sp?) who was so fat that her belly dragged the ground ... Mama gave her butter to make her black coat shine, which is prob why she died of a heart attack ... in those old days, pre-cholesterol and all ... nighty night!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Abbey Road-you're killing me! I hate I don;t know that one. I thought I knew them all.....