Thursday, December 13, 2007

Four Words-Knowing Your Catholicsm

My son, for the first time last night, attended a catholic church service with a friend of his, "Lex". My husband's side of the family is predominately catholic, although we are not. While we have not attended a mass as a family, we have taken the entire family to other events as we escort Big Daddy's grandmother to a few of them. Last May it was "Family Day", a wonderful celebration with delicious food, bingo, music, games, even beer! All free. It was a carnival atmosphere. On the way home, I told my husband that we needed to convert, if only for the parties alone (smile).
So last night, Brock and Lex went to church together. A couple hours later, Brock called me to tell me he was on the way home. I asked if he had a good time. "Yes! It was alot of fun. But they started chanting a prayer and crossing and I didn't know what to do. I just waved my hand in front of my face". I laughed.
When Brock and Lex got home, I laughed again when I told Lex what Brock had said. He said, "Brock, this is what my dad told me.....Head, testicles, watch, wallet." "Excuse me?", said Brock as he almost spit his coke through his nose. "Yeah, head, testicles, watch, wallet.", Lex explained, " That is a good way to remember where to go when you are crossing yourself." Lex then went on to try and teach Brock and I the Hail Mary. We have less than half memorized. We will continue to work on it. We will need to for our conversion ceremony. LOL. See you at the next function.

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