As a kid, I loved going to visit my cousins that lived in Gadsden. There was always a source nearby , a way of scaring the crud out of one another with ghost stories of the area. One night we piled into a car with my cousin Gina and some of her friends and paid a visit to the Haunted Bridge (on Pleasant Hill Road near
Noccalula Falls) . Legend has it that a couple were having a fight. The woman ran away with the baby to the trees near the bridge on Black Creek. The man got on his carriage and started searching for the wife. The woman appeared at the foot of the bridge, scared the horses, and was knocked down with the baby into Black Creek. The baby
unfortunately drowned. Since then, many paranormal activity has
supposedly taken place there. Reported sounds are carriage wheels, a baby's cry, screams, splashes, and other noises which are unexplainable. Sometimes people claim see an ethereal woman walking near the bridge. A house near the bridge reportedly had to have an exorcism to get rid of the "active" spirits. My aunt recently told me that the bridge has been relocated to the grounds of
Noccolula Park. We never heard any cries, or anything more than the cries of one another in fear. Ah, the memories....
LOVE IT! We did the same stuff when we were kids. I saw in your profile that you like Katherine Windham Tucker.. 13 Alabama Ghosts was our little hand book for scaring the crap out of ourselves.
I ADORE Mz. Windham. One of the loviest people I have ever met. We too used her books as "engineers for scardom"-it was a sure bet!
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