Sunday, August 5, 2007

Signs of JACK

Greetings .......................................................................
As the summer travel season begins, I have a photography project that I am working on that I am asking for your help in doing. As you go about your way, perhaps traveling for family vacations or just bustling down the road with a carload of kids, please take notice of signs with the name "Jack" or the initials "JB" in them. They may be road signs, advertisements on buildings, trucks, the hamburger joint, etc-anything.

My favor to ask is that you to please photograph the sign -or what ever it may be-(clear quality) and email them to me as jpegs. Use your imagination! I plan to take all the jpegs I receive in the next year and do something with them-not yet sure what, perhaps make a collage poster size print for Jack's bedroom of "Jack-Americana" to personalize his space with something one of a kind.

If you will, when you send me the jpegs, change the name of the jpeg to read where the photo was taken, such as "Nashville, TN". It will be equally as interesting to see where the photographs were taken in addition to seeing what everyone can come up with.

I would really appreciate your help in doing this project! Make it a game with the family-even your friends. I look forward to see your photographs!

Leigh Bratina

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