Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thrifty Thursday #73, Plus a Tablescape

Hi! It's Thrifty Thursday! I am your host, Leigh. Thank you so much for stopping by and additional thanks to those who also participate in Thrifty Thursday! I am most delighted to have you join in..for it's YOU who makes it a "show and tell party". I also participate in Tablescape Thursday the host of that fun carnival is the Hostess with the Mostess...Susan of Between Naps on the Backporch. That's no lie or exaggeration, each week I visit Susan's porch and just long to be a guest at any of her tablescapes...especially those held on the porch.

(You can click on any pictures for a closer view)

*Thrifty Thursday takes place each Thursday and is hosted here at Tales from Bloggeritaville, but the party is a progressive one, visit the links to see all the Thrifty Thursday links to see the thrifty treasures participating bloggers have to share.

*Don't forget to copy and paste the Thrifty Thursday logo button to your computer so you can add it to your side bar and your Thrifty Thursday post. That way visitors will know that your are participating in Thrifty Thursday.

I have a thing for white dishes. I have a thing for natural and nautical. So when I spied a  particular piece  in Pottery Barn, I couldnt help but want it. It was this one, a clam shell serving bowl :

I wanted it so bad, but I didnt want to spend the $39 that  it cost. No, $39 isn't a fortune, but at a time when 2 of my children need $7,000 in  braces....a little is alot. (When the orthodontist told me that I did ask for oxygen!!!)  I couldn't make the shell serving piece convincing in my mind, so I let it slide. However, Luck was on my side. I was in the thrift store earlier this week and came across this clam shell serving bowl:

The cost, $6.88. Not bad.
I haven't used it to serve anything from yet. And I can promise you whatever I may serve will be braces friendly.
I through some shells in it to show you, but I know it's going to be great!

And in case you want one too...and dont come across one in your thrift store. It's currently on sale.


Tablescape Thursday
Now, onto to Tablescape Thursday, which is hosted by Susan of Between Naps on the Porch.

 While I was checking out that clam shell serving bowl, I also spied some great outdoor tablescape pieces for tablescaping. I LOVE the zinc serving pieces!

HUGS! Hope to see you tomorrow, but not before you leave some "roadmap" love!
Thanks to all of you for stopping by and participating in today's Thrifty Thursday.
I am also linking today to Linda's Coastal Charm.

Please use Mr. Linky below to link up your blog. Please leave a comment after linking. I love to hear from you.I encourage you all to spread the love and visit the other thrifty Thursday participants, for that's what half the fun is. Aside from seeing a cool treasure it's making friends!
Thank you, all, FRIENDS! I appreciate YOU!
Thrifty Participants:


Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

That clam shell is beautiful.

Blondie's Journal said...

Your clam shell bowl is darling!! Believe it or not, I was able to score the PB version on clearance online a few months ago. I was a happy girl! :-)

Hope all is well with you, Leigh!


Anonymous said...

I love serendipity.
You have to believe and good things come to you.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Leigh, I can see why you feel for the PB clam shell serving dish. It really is totally awesome.

But, what a deal you got on your thrift store dish. And it's wonderful, too!

Come join me for my Time Travel Thursday or Tips and Tricks linky parties at the cottage.

Hope to see you there!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Terri said...

I was in HomeGoods just last week and for some strange reason everything they have is beachy. Get thee to HomeGoods! You may find clam shells or even somemthing close to the serving tray.

but keep your hands off the starfish comforter and the shower curtain..they are MINE!

4thelove! said...

really like the clam shell idea...shall we go hunting for something similar Saturday morning??????

Lynn said...

Now that table looks like a party waiting to happen-have fun!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Hi Leigh!

Awhile back I found a set of these cute dishes as well. I haven't used them yet. To be honest, I forgot I had them until I saw ths post! LOL

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Lovin' that THRIFTY shell dish! Thanks for hosting this FUN party!

Linda said...

I'd love to go to dinner at someone's house who takes the time to create a tablescape... especially like the one above. Mmmmmm... I want to eat some crab! This is making me hungry.

xinex said...

Your clam shell dish is a great find, very pretty, Leigh!..Christine

Barbara Jean said...

Thanks for hosting.
Hope someone will know about the things I have.


barbara jean

agreenearth said...

What a wonderful clam shell dish and what a special find.

Would love you to join me at We Can Wednesday beginning on my blog A Green Earth next Wednesday.

Our Homeschool Reviews said...

Neat idea!

Candy said...

Love the large white shell, so many ways to use it.
Thanks for sharing some fun things today.
Now I'm hungry for seafood ;-)

nannykim/spindlecottage said...

I love your find! I am sure you will find so many uses for it too! I love the pic of the drinks and lemons in the pail!

Life in Rehab said...

That server is fantastic!

Marlis said...

OOh love the clam shell server. I have my mom in law's shells (real ones at that) that she used for salad plates, but before I snagged those, I found some porcelain ones.. I remember braces with our boys!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous tablescape ideas! Thanks so much for hosting :)

Patti said...

Your clam shell dish is lovely!! I am a huge ocean gal (currently, unfortunately, living in a land-locked state), so I love all things that say "beach."

Anyhow, this is my second week participating in your Thrifty Thursday party. I love it. Thanks for being a gracious hostess.

Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

Unknown said...

great find! i'm obsessed with that collection from pb!

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

I have to keep my eyes open for a clam bowl!! Lucky you (with the bowl)!

Barbara said...

Love your shell dish too! I am trying to resist the PB one. I couldn't resist a lot of those galvanized pieces though. I was able to find a lot of similar things at the hardware store. BTW, I love your playlist.

Stevie @ Sincerely Stevie said...

I can't figure out how to grab the button! I don't see the code! Someone help!

Krystal Kats said...

I love your TST it's fabulous and I love all the life things shells and sea decorations! that is wonderful. Have a great day!

Quiltpiecer said...

Glad to be joining in on the fun! I think I just made it under the wire! Love to see everyone's thrifty finds ... thanks for hosting!

suzyq said...

Leigh, I hope the orthodontist didn't charge for the oxygen!! Thanks for the laugh!

Annesphamily said...

I love that shell bowl! I have some pretty dessert plates shaped like shells from an old Princess House collection. I should post them sometime. They are turquoise. I really love them and I sold some to a doctor! I figured they were chic to serve with! LOL! I love 'em! Anne

I am new here and glad I stopped in. I hope you will visit me sometime soon.