It was last night when his world and mine crossed. He was in Birmingham last night signing copies of his latest book, Good Eats 2: The Middle Years.It's the long-awaited, highly-anticipated, savory sequel to NY Times Best Seller, Good Eats.
Brown is a standout success because if his unique approach to food blends science and humor. Brown’s background in film production gave him the desire to produce a quality cooking show, and in 1998, “Good Eats” premiered. Brown serves as the main commentator on “Iron Chef America” and delves into the American obsession of eating on the go in his series “Feasting on Asphalt.” His other cookbooks include “I’m Just Here for the Food” and “Alton Brown’s Gear for your Kitchen.”
Last night was truly custom made for my precious friend, "Sweet Melissa". Alton Brown happens to be Melissa's food mentor. She adores him. And I was there for support. To take pictures. To be there in case she fainted. Or if I needed to bail her out of jail. Because that's what friends are for.
Brown appeared to an overflow crowd that probably violated a few fire codes, It certainly backed up the escalator for people arriving to the upper floor where he was appearing. I watched as people stacked up like hot cakes on a griddle before the escalator was shut off. Brown fielded questions from the crowd. He's quite funny when interacting with a crowd. I found him to be very personable and he has that dry wit that I so wish I were born with. So clever. So charming.Afterwards, he signed books for ages (we were #254) and managed to be a good sport about it throughout. He was very accommodating to his fans.
You can find more Alton Brown on my Foodie Friday post at Plates and Places:
Foodie Friday, Alton Brown's Mac & Cheese
And come back on Monday when our cruise ship makes a stop in the port of Cozumel (my favorite excusrion!!!)
We have toured Mexico all this week, so if you missed this week's port of call, go back to Monday and read through the week...Lots of fun along the way.
How cool that you got to meet him. He goes to church with another of my blog friends and she said he does quite a few film projects for their church.
Just stopping by to say hello. Hope all is well with you. xo Cindy
I would have loved to have seen him. I love his dry wit too and he is very entertaining. You got some good photos of him!
We're big Alton Brown fan at THIS house.
Now how cool that you had a brush with celebrity! We enjoy him on Iron Chef.
So jealous you got to meet Alton! I love that guy. Best cooking show on tv in my opinion. :O)
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It is happiness!
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