I wanted to give a couple of my blogger friends some link love today.
My friend, Keetha of the Eclectic Company held a contest about this precious lady:
Her name is Lady Catherine Rose Sitzalone, but she was known to her friends simply as Miss Kitty Rose.
Keetha asked her readers to help name Kitty Rose, but her readers went beyond that...they gave her a story. A beautiful story at that. This is a story to be shared, a story of love & misfortune, over coming adversity and continuing the dance of life (in more ways than one). I am in love. In love with the story. In love with the lady, Lady Catherine Rose Sitzalone, and well, Keetha already knows that I love her.
I too am honored to be listed as a contributor, though small as my contribution was, I am thrilled to be a part of her story.
You can find the story of aka. Miss Kitty Rose by clicking here.
I would appreciate it if you would please tell Miss Kitty Rose that her friend, Leigh sent you. Thanks!
Also, you will want to pay a visit to my friend, Jessica of Thoughts of a Bama Belle. She is hosting a giveaway on her blog. She is giving away a fabulous gift basket of bath products.
You can enter by clicking here. Please tell her that Leigh sent you. I would so appreciate it.
Shrimp & Sausage Sauce Piquant
12 years ago
Thanks for the shout out! Luv ya girl
Oh my GOODNESS Leigh!!!! What a shout-out you gave me!!! And, I've already had an INFLUX of your bloggy friends visiting and SIGNING UP TO follow me!!!! I promise I'll try to NEVER lead them astray.
Writing Miss Kitty's story was the joy of my evening yesterday. As I read all the story threads on my comments under the contest post, I KNEW they were all threads of ONE story.
Thank you so much for your bloggy encouragement.
It was a happy day indeed when I went to the "Fashion Fiesta," for there I met you!
Oh yay! I'm heading over to read the story. Keetha is quite clever.
Have a wonderful week!
Hey Sweet Leigh!
Guess what came in the mail today? Yep...some beautiful cards. Thanks so much. I will blog about them shortly...
Most of all, thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. You cannot fathom how much they mean to me. I am honored to count you as a friend. One of these days, we'll have to meet. (Remember, we have great beaches here! and I do get to Alabama a couple of times each year.)
Hugs a million!
Jane (artfully graced)
LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Leigh - - - I didn't REALIZE I was signed into my Costa Rica blog when I made that other comment up there - - - - YEP, that ole Class of 2010, that was ME.
Wow - - - you just can't take me anywhere without SOME form of embarrassment!!!
Leigh was that not the funest story that she told...what a great mind to come up with that...Thanks for coming by my Dear friend...I always love your visits girl...yours the best...Hope you have a GREAT evening my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
How sweet -- I love her dear face -- what a grand lady!
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