Monday, June 2, 2008

MM Beauty

Today is Trolls Mute Monday, today's theme is BEAUTY. This is certainly in no certain order....

Nature (flowers)

Hummingbirds (as welll as all of God's creatures)

even *some*bugs

Summers bounty

Friendships (not only what is pictured here, but representative of all)

My Family (pictured here as well as extended)

Audrey Hepburn

The Dance

The Beach

Sunsets (God's canvas)

The Cross and what it represents


  1. Very nice selections. Saved the two best for last. Happy late Mute Monday!

  2. Very nice take!!! I wonder if with Audrey Hepburn, it was class over beauty... or reverse?
    Happy MM!

  3. This is beautiful, especially your family. Happy MM!

  4. how beautiful; all of them. i love having a glimpse of your family - classic at the beach. just wonderful. the celebration of God's creation is a beautiful thing in its own right. i try and make it my lifes work. happy MM to you!

  5. I love Audrey Hepburn, great MM!

  6. the kids are so cute!

  7. You and I have similar taste Leigh. I adore tulips, dance, nature in all it's glory and Audrey. Wonderful pics.

    Happy Belated Mute Monday!


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