Monday, June 2, 2008

Gas Funny

I went and filled up my tank with gas the morning. I about died when I saw the price. And then it got worse, the station attendant asked for a co-signer for my check. Yes. Gas is that expensive. (wink, smile, lol!)


  1. Sadly, the other day when I was filling up BEFORE we left for the beach, I paid $75..And I still had 1/4 of a tank left.. UUGHHHHHHH..If it gets much higher, we will have to take out a second mortgage just to pay for our yearly gas consumption.. lol

  2. Oh! Mine wasnt even that bad. I know that hurts! This is ridiculous. This summer we will really be staying home more than anything-just b/c of the gas prices.

  3. This is why I am now the frugal whore, instead of the yarn whore.

    Saw an article online where it's gonna be a bad hurricane season and if it hits the gulf and knocks a few things out, we are talking $5-6 a gallon. Pray for no hurricanes.

  4. We need to have a "who has the largest gas station bill" contest!

  5. We had to take out a second mortgage JUST to fill up with gas!!! (wink wink)


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