Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rethinking Store Bought Framed Pictures AND Rethinking the Frame.

My friend, "Sweetness" has been helping me to decorate my house. She has a touch in putting together photos, vignettes, and pulling things from other rooms to use somewhere else. I love a fresh perspective. She does things I wouldn't and haven't ever thought of. One of these things was using this boarding. It was given to me by another friend, "Diva". It came from her mothers 200 year estate.

Sure, it's just a board...but she knew I would LOVE it.
I thought of different possibilities.
And my friend Sweetness came up with this one.
Mounting one of my canvas pictures onto the board...

The pic is myself and my husband in Sarasota, Fl.
It holds special meaning to us.
WE used to live there. We have a picture taken in 1996 taken under this very tree. It was taken by our oldest son. This picture was taken by our youngest son last year when we took our two youngest children to see the magical place we once lived.
And they loved it too.
The sunsets really are golden.
And that picture is reflective our our lives now and what we hope our future to be one day.

My friend Diva recently gave me this window sash that came from her mother's 200 year old estate.

It was dirty and dusty of 200 year wear...

But I gave it a good cleaning and decided to use one of my photographs.
I believe I have mentioned before my affinity for big old trees.
The are symbolic to me.
I went to Staples and had what they call, an engineer's print made from the disk I brought in.
I got a large 36x 30 (I think is the size) made for $2.99!!
I taped it to the back of the frame and WAH-LA!!!

Haven't decided where to hang it just yet, but I am so pleased with it!
For more "Picture" Makeovers, Click Here.
Thanks "Sweetness" for making it stand out and to "Diva" for sharing her special things with me.
I am honored, touched and blessed to be your friend.
Finally, Congrats to
Heather Kaluf
for winning the Print Runner Giveaway of 250 custom stickers!
Thank you Print Runner!!


  1. I really like them both - great idea. Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Hope you have enjoyed the weekend.

  2. Hi Leigh! I'm a terrible commenter lately but I'm still here. :)
    I had to stop and tell you that I LOVE both of these. I have an affinity for trees too and both of these "frames" really show them off!

  3. WOW Leigh, love what you done with the board! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. Greetings!
    Rethinking Store Bought Framed Pictures AND Rethinking the Frame.
    Who goes that extra mile nowadays? Well Done! I am surely going to tweet this awesome post.

  5. Oh my the picture window is awesome! I love old windows and have painted some for people. I NEVER thought of adding a picture behind it. Thanks for the idea!

  6. we love the picture frame window! Please stop by on Saturday to link it up in our Crafty Showcase! What a fun idea to share!

    Susie @Bowdabra

  7. What an awesome idea to blow up your tree photo n' display behind the window!!! Love it! That's a great deal at Staples as well... They always seem to be way overpriced to me.

  8. I have a special place for trees as well, and I love how you have used the old window to showcase your tree photo. Well done.

    I hope you don't mind when I get around to copying you one day.

  9. 2 great ideas! Thanks for sharing.


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