Sunday, August 7, 2011

Are You a HDPI????????

Are you a HDPI?

You know, a home decor private investigator??
My husband might call it nosey, but I just love to go and check out open houses, furniture stores, home decor stores, and my friends homes for design inspiration.
Here are a few pictures I snapped on some recent home decor store visits:


(Pottery Barn)

I love the red pillows on the white sofa's.
And I love the white coral!
And check out that table! Looks familiar!

(Pottery Barn)

(Pottery Barn)

Pretty neutrals....

(At Home, Homewood, Al)
These doors below are beautiful. Whether you reuse them, or upcycle them creating them into tables, headboards, privacy screens, or just architectural character to add into a corner of a home....


I LOVE to get lost, just looking and getting inspired!

Where do you like to go to get inspired by home design/decor?
Tales from Bloggeritaville


  1. Hi, I'm Jane and I'm an HDPI.
    Just this past Friday, I went exploring with a dear friend (and blogger...One Shabby Old House). We hit fabulous thrift stores before we visited Robin Story's shop. What an inspiring place!!! Not only does she carry all the great bling that my friend loves and the most beautiful silks, she is the southern supplier of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint...and we got to PLAY!!! I came home with so many ideas...and an waiting for a new color to arrive...Barcelona Orange. Can't wait!!!

  2. Oh, Jane!
    That sounds like such fun! Being nosey…er a HDPI is so much more fun when you bring friends!!!! LOVE the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint too! Jealous….
    Enjoy Jane! I cannot wait to see what creative things you come up with. You ALWAYS inspire ME!

    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  3. Yeah...I could easily be an HDPI and you do a good job with it, too! I will do this tomorrow at the European antique shop, to see what came from the other side of the pond. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week. FABBY

  4. My friend and I, who owns her own furniture store here in Huntsville, traveled to Kentucky this weekend for the longest yard sale. We came away with alot of cool pieces, ie: old farmhouse tables, old doors and windows, etc. One of the old doors is going to be my next canvas..can't wait to get started! Yes, I guess I am a nosey..ER..HDPI also:) I really think we are people with great taste who appreciate others whom also have great taste:)
    Oh, and this is the first blog site I have ever posted on! Ha!

  5. Hi, Leigh,
    Oh, I'm definitely one of those. Even when I was little, I was like that. A favorite thing to do, check out the inside of new mobile homes to see how they are decorated.
    P.S. When trick or treating as a kid, I always checked out the inside of the house as much as I could see :)

  6. This is totally my husband and me! When we go walking and see peoples curtains open with the lights on, it's hard not to look to see what their home looks like. Some call it nosy, I call it curiosity and inspiration ;) haha

  7. I am with you on the HDPI. I am always checking out open houses, model homes, stores, etc. A few years ago we had a "progessive dinner party" in our neighborhood and I was thrilled to check out everyone's houses. That was the highlight of the whole thing!


What cha got? Talk to me....I LOVE to hear from you! And it is my "roadmap" to your blog! Thanks, friend! LIVE*Love*Laugh*Leigh