Monday, July 18, 2011

A Day in the Life in the Country

Life is great in the country. Wide open spaces.....

Rolling hills and green as far as the eye can see....

Throw in some VERY nice low temps (unheard of in the month of July in the south) and it makes for a great day.
But there was also some of Granny's country cooking, cooking that largely is based on home grown vegetables and well, then life in the country can become much of a religious experience.
Granny cooked up her Fried Green Tomatoes...
Can I get a Hallelujah?
But she also cooked up a "mess" of other goodies:
Blackberry Cobbler

Fresh Creamed Corn
Pork Tenderloin and Roast Beef
Fresh Squash Casserole
Sliced vine ripe tomatoes

Fresh green beans

Fresh potatoes

Banana Cake

Well, just look at the plate....who couldn't praise God with blessing as bountiful?

But there were even more bountiful blessings to count....
Throw in precious family...

And the sounds of laughter...

New family members....

We spent time in the garden....

And caught up with old friends.....
(Crown the horse is 27 years old!)

After dinner, Granny and I got on the gator (ATV) and allowed Dale the Lab to lead the way into the woods to explore.
We came upon some turkeys, that the dogs enjoyed chasing.
After their run, they wanted to take a dip in the pond...

Granny knows how to make that Gator go!

The day ended with a glorious sunset.
So many blessings. So many great memories made! Indeed! A religious experience!
Praise God, from whom all blessing flow.

Thanks so all who left comments and sent email regarding Sister Sledge's injury (Friday post). She is doing MUCH better! She has had a crazy two weeks with injuries, but feeling much better from her arm injury. No breaks! So thank you for your kind words.

I hope your week ahead is as fruitful and blessed.
See you tomorrow, friend.

Live (fully) * Laugh (often)* Love (greatly)


  1. LOVED the country day. The food and the scenery were awesome. Glad to hear Sister Sledge is healing nicely. Hope you have a good week.

  2. I loved the pictures of this gathering! Family at it's best!
    Glad to hear Sister Sledge is improving. :)

  3. I think we need recipes! Is there anything better than fresh summer veggies?

  4. you think Grannie can adopt me! Sounds like a perfect weekend you had, family, food, the country...can't get any better. Diane

  5. My goodness, grandma looks wonderful and can she cook!! You guys look like you had a blast at the country, how glorious to spend time like this with family, I love it. Hugs, FABBY

  6. OMG I'm starving! The food looks delicious and though my grandmother has been gone for over 20 years, it takes me right back. You are so lucky to still have yours around to share that bounty with. Perhaps, you could share some of those recipes!

  7. What a beautiful and heart warming post. I love the food, especially the fried green tomatoes. I have to have some soon. Thanks so much for sharing, looks like fun was had by all. Richard at My Old Historic House

  8. WOW! The photos of the amazing food made me homesick for my Alabama home (Bama native now exiled near Seattle). To top it off, Granny is stylin' in that Bama shirt. Too cute. Thanks for the trip home.
    Blessings and ROLL TIDE ROLL

  9. What a perfect summer day. The food all looks so good! There is nothing like a meal fresh from the garden.

  10. I would like to hire out Granny. For parties. For Tuesdays.

  11. Can I spend a day with you?! Sheesh. So gorgeous. Looks like a fantastic day :)

    <3-Cami from Serendipitious Life

  12. Looks like an awesome time! Can I come visit Grandma?

    Happy blogoversary :)

  13. Now you've gone and done it! Flung a cravin' on me for Fried Green Tomatoes!
    Beautiful post! Kathy

  14. I don't know who y'all are, but I wanna steal your granny. My GAWD that food looks amazing!


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