Thursday, June 9, 2011

Flashback Friday......

What a FUN Thrifty Thursday party we had yesterday! Here are a few featured participants in case you missed it. Which incidentally, if you missed REALLY MISSED it! Soooooo many great contributors! My thanks to everyone!

I LOVE this bench by my longtime blogger friend, Patti of Pandora's Box. I guess I am partial, I made my own last year and I still love it as much! Great job Patti!

Molly Susan Strong brought it to the party with her chalk paint signage!
LOVE the signs!!! LOVE them!!!

I LOVED how One Green Mama "upcycled" a vintage apron and created a gorgeous one of a kind dress & bloomers for her daughter! Honestly if I could pull that off myself I would. I mean I would WEAR it. "Sew" cute!!!

Kudos to Lil Pink Pocket for seeing past the seventies and making lemonade from lemons with this piece!

It IS summertime (its official on June 21)...and one of my favorite ways to celebrate summertime is donning a pair of cute flip flops. Check out these cutie patooties by Bliss Images and Beyond...a fabulous thrifty way to but some party in your step! My tootsies NEED these!

Thanks to EVERYONE that linked up to Thrifty Thursday! It's not a party without you!
And to those who have been featured on Tales from Bloggeritaville's Thrifty Thursday/Flashback Friday, I hope you will take a button as a token of my appreciation. Of course, I haven't figured out the button code (anyone? anyone?) but you can copy, save and upload and link back to fact I would be downright flattered if you did.

Have a FABULOUS weekend, friends!
(allot this does the soul a wealth of good!)


  1. Leigh...thank you so very much. i am a big fan and every time I see you sitting in that tube, I smile. I so appreciate your comment, i can't tell you!

  2. Great Party! Love the Flops and old painted sign!!

  3. Thanks for featuring my flip flops! Always love linking up here...fabulous stuff. Have a great weekend! :)

  4. Thanks for the "shout out"...and thanks for hosting such a great party each week! Happy Weekend!!

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my little dress. I could make you one if you'd wear it. :-) I loved your comment, that was funny. I actually have an apron in that style minus the bloomers though.


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