Thursday, May 29, 2008


Surprise! It was what we yelled at lunch yesterday when we surprised my cousin Gina to celebrate her 40th birthday. Her coworker and friend Don and his wife Crystal did a fabulous job in contacting everyone and keeping everything on the low. Gina had no idea. There were about 18 -people there, many her coworkers from the television station she works for (ABC33-40). Her face was priceless when she walked in and saw us all standing there (clapping).....and I forgot my camera battery. That was a first. I always carry a back up with me, but had not purchased one yet. Gina's mom hopefully got lots of good pics.
Her mother made Gina a scrap book of her life through the years. It was beautiful. She also sent out an email to Gina's friends (without Gina's knowledge) asking questions such as , "who did you meet Gina", what is your favorite memory of Gina? What song, movie, show, etc reminds you of Gina when you see it", etc. People emailed their responses back and she complied them into another scrapbook. It was so nice. I know she was very touched. My only disappointment (and I hope you read this) one of Gina's BFF's, Chris Tatum, didn't get to come (he lives in Nashville). I know that would have thrilled her. But it was a wonderful day-full of surprises-for my sweet cousin, Gina! Happy Birthday and many more.

1 comment:

What cha got? Talk to me....I LOVE to hear from you! And it is my "roadmap" to your blog! Thanks, friend! LIVE*Love*Laugh*Leigh